San Angelo Health Department Confirmed Additional Covid Fatalities Monday


SAN ANGELO – San Angelo Health officials Monday confirmed two additional Covid-19 related fatalities in Tom Green County.

The Health Department has confirmed two additional COVID-19-related deaths in Tom Green County:

- Male, 40s, Tom Green County: unvaccinated

- Female, 60s, out of state: unvaccinated

 This brings the total COVID-19-related death count in Tom Green County to 441: 287 from Tom Green County and 154 from other counties. We do not have any further information about the patients at this time.

El Departamento de Salud ha confirmado dos muertes adicionales relacionadas con COVID-19 en el condado de Tom Green:

- Hombre, 40s, condado de Tom Green: no vacunado

- Mujer, 60s, fuera del estado: no vacunada

Esto eleva el recuento total de muertes relacionadas con COVID-19 en el condado de Tom Green a 441: 287 del condado de Tom Green y 154 de otros condados. No tenemos más información sobre los pacientes en este momento.

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MAGA, Mon, 10/11/2021 - 16:16

Antibodies from all three vaccines are only 20% effective against the corona virus 6 months after the shot. What will you do when yours run out? Better get in line like the rest of the sheeple.

At almost $50,000 paid to hospitals for each death attributed to Covid, Shannon is doing it's part in the eradication of the human population while getting those checks mailed in to them daily from the Federal government........

MAGA, Tue, 10/12/2021 - 05:44

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