3 More Covid Fatalities Confirmed in Tom Green County


SAN ANGELO – San Angelo Health Officials Saturday confirmed three additional Covid related fatalities in Tom Green County.  All three victims were unvaccinated. 

The Health Department has confirmed three additional COVID-19-related deaths in Tom Green County:
- Female, 60s, Tom Green County: unvaccinated
- Male, 80s, Tom Green County: fully vaccinated
- Male, 40s, Tom Green County: unvaccinated

This brings the total COVID-19-related death count in Tom Green County to 389: 252 from Tom Green County and 137 from other counties. We do not have any further information about the patients at this time.

El Departamento de Salud ha confirmado tres muertes adicionales relacionadas con COVID-19 en el condado de Tom Green:

- Mujer, 60s, condado de Tom Green: no vacunada

- Hombre, 80s, condado de Tom Green: completamente vacunado

- Hombre, 40s, condado de Tom Green: no vacunado


Esto eleva el recuento total de muertes relacionadas con COVID-19 en el condado de Tom Green a 389: 252 del condado de Tom Green y 137 de otros condados. No tenemos más información sobre los pacientes en este momento.

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“No vaccine is 100%,” said Lakey, who is also a member of the Texas Medical Association’s COVID-19 task force. “And we’ve known for a long while that the vaccines aren’t 100%, but they’re really really good at preventing severe disease and hospitalizations. … There will always be some individuals that will succumb to the illness in the absence of full herd immunity.”

If the vaccine isn't 100% and herd immunity is, what do we have to fear when the new variant arrives in full force?? The "professionals" have already been quoted saying it "would most likely completely ignore our vaccine."

Do we let it run it's course? Do we scramble for another "vaccine"? Seriously confusing stuff. FYI I am vaccinated and have had covid twice since the inoculation.

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