Midland ISD Offering $100 to Staff That Receives Covid Vaccine


MIDLAND, TX –– The Permian Basin is providing new economic incentives for educators and staff to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The incentives, made possible by a $200,000 donation from the Scharbauer Foundation, will provide $100 to each staff member who gets vaccinated.

According to Midland ISD, approximately one-third of the district's 2,900 employees have been fully vaccinated.

“It’s a great way for any of our employees Who have not gotten the COVID-19 vaccine to come out and get that to help us keep our staff safe, our students safe, and our schools open,” said Anita Gamertsfelder, the Director of the Midland Education Foundation.

The incentive program will be available for eligible teachers, staff, and substitutes.

“We just hope it works, and it keeps teachers and students both in class and in school. After a very difficult year for families and individuals and kids and teachers last year, we would just like to see as many people stay in school as they can,” said Grant Billingsley, Executive Director of the Scharbauer Foundation.

Eligible staff members can receive the payment with a gift card or cash.

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