Freedom Defender Caleb Wallace Dies of Covid-19


SAN ANGELO, TX — Caleb Wallace, the San Angelo man whose life came to define the revolt against government overreach in Covid-19 restrictions, died today of Covid-19. He had been at Shannon Medical Center since July 30.

According to his wife, Jessica, who was interviewed by the New York Times, when Caleb came down with Covid-19, he initially self-medicated with copious doses of Vitamin D, C, aspirin, and Zinc. He also took ivermectin, a drug used to treat infections in the body caused by parasites, such head lice and scabies. This drug has been recently touted as an alternative for treating Covid-19. Ivermectin is derided by those on the Left and most medical professionals as “horse paste,” as the animal form of the drug can be purchased at feed supply stores. Jessica, in her interview with the Times, was not clear if Caleb had been prescribed ivermectin for humans or had taken the veterinarian version.

Caleb’s dad caught Covid-19 at about the same time his son Caleb did. He too was hospitalized for 13 days in San Angelo. He said the experience softened his views on the use of the Covid-19 vaccines but admitted that he was still considering whether or not to get the jab. For now he is content with natural immunity that recovery from the disease provides.

Caleb Wallace’s ordeal became newsworthy because of his anti-mask and anti-lockdown political activism. In 2020, he organized at least two protests against what he called “Covid tyranny.”

“I guarantee you that 2020 has been one of the worst years for America,” Caleb Wallace said at at July 4, 2020 protest rally organized by Wallaces’ “Freedom Defenders.” At the time, restaurants had reduced capacity and bars were closed under the threat of having the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission revoke the bar owner’s license if the bar owner violated the statewide emergency order to remain closed. Wallace was reacting to serious concerns already expressed by the public.

Weeks prior, LIVE! had attended an organizational meeting of area bar owners who were contemplating breaking the order and opening up anyway as a group as a protest. The sting on the local economy was very apparent. At the same time, at least two protests for racial justice had just been held in the city and the perception was the participants of those protests were given a pass on Covid-19 restrictions.

Watch: We the People — The July 4, 2020 protest

Watch: The Fight for Freedom - The July 17, 2020 protest

Caleb Wallace’s activism continued past the summer of 2020. During a briefing of the County Judge’s Coronavirus Task Force in November of 2020, Wallace chastised county health and political leaders. Waiting until the end of the meeting, he approached the microphone to denounce the efforts of the combined government entities to mitigate the spread of the virus. He started with Shannon Medical Center, accusing the hospital system of cooking the books in their reporting of Covid-19 test results.

At the time, Governor Greg Abbott was allowing communities inside Trauma Service Areas where hospitals were reporting less than 15 percent Covid-19 patients as a whole of its patient population to reopen bars and restaurants. Then, San Angelo was rapidly approaching that 15 percent threshold and many were anticipating another business shutdown. Wallace wanted to know who was generating the data and how it was created. He didn’t trust the government to want to keep businesses open.

“I’ve been bombarding you all with emails. I hope one day you will respond,” he said. He wanted to know how Shannon Medical Center was determining who was positive with Covid-19.

Shannon’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Chris Barnett, MD, tried unsuccessfully to convince Wallace that Shannon relies on experts at outsourced labs that are using national standards to determine if a test specimen is Covid-19 positive. But Wallace persisted.

“Is Shannon withholding this information, is it not available? … We’re getting false positives. We are leveling this tyranny on our citizens with incomplete data,” he accused the medical organization.

He then trained his guns on the politicians.

“Is this type of tyranny without the data to prove [it is] as such worth it? Mayor Gunter, I am quite disappointed with your reaction to this,” he said.

"I can’t tell the difference between you and (California) Governor Newsom,” he said to County Judge Steve Floyd.

“My health has nothing to do with you. It’s not my job for your health. As harsh as that sounds, but our constitutional fundamental rights protect that. I care about freedom more that I care about your personal health.”

Caleb Wallace speaks at a November 2020 press conference of the County Judge's Coronavirus Task Force

Caleb Wallace speaks at a November 2020 press conference of the County Judge's Coronavirus Task Force

Many have criticized Wallace for his dogged pursuit for the truth during an era of civil unrest, wavering medical experts, changing scientific conditions, political censorship, uneven enforcement of mitigation rules, and a November presidential election many still suspect was not honest. In general he was just a blue collar guy who sold welding equipment who didn’t trust the government or experts because he sensed he didn’t have the freedom to weigh and consider in the public square the information that he held in suspicion. He reacted to that by being vocal and organizing public protests. It was his way of seeking the truth.

At the same time, his death reveals that Covid-19 is deadly.

Caleb leaves behind his wife who is expecting the couple’s fourth child and three other children. He was only 30 years old. The family has a GoFundMe page to help with family expenses during this difficult time. 

Update Aug. 30 at 8 p.m. — Our op-ed that puts Caleb Wallace's life into perspective

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CGM5, Sat, 08/28/2021 - 22:09

I didn't know much about Caleb or his beliefs/convictions. From what I learned in a short time, I don't think I agreed with him on the mask issue. I most certainly believe in the freedom of the individual and the choices they choose. However, I don't believe an individual's rights should override the rights of the many. What I mean is, I believe an individual should be able to choose if he/she wants to wear a mask, get a vaccine or whatever but, not at the peril of the many. If one person chooses not to protect themselves and in the process infects three others who could die because of it, then whose rights have been violated? I did not agree with Caleb but, I do admire him. He gave his life for what he believed in. Many of us talk but, how many of us are actually willing to do that? This great country is made up of people who have beliefs and opinions on many things. Iron sharpens iron, that's what makes us great. Caleb's family should be very proud of the man he was. My condolences to them.

Listed By: Matt Younts

I’d be careful with your utilitarian approach. When the “greater good” requires you to give up a freedom you hold dear, will you still be willing to give it up?

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CGM5, Sun, 08/29/2021 - 09:01

I'm not the kind of person that keeps his head in the sand or somewhere else. I don't have blanket beliefs for anything. I don't believe all cops are bad or all are good. I do believe the vast majority are good. I don't believe the left is always wrong however, most of my beliefs fall on the right. If someone wants my gun for the good of the whole, they can kiss my ass. I don't wear masks on my property. Anyone that comes here is welcome if they wear a mask or not. If a restaurant, store or some sort of public event asked me to wear a mask I will comply because my choice in the matter is I don't have to go. I don't believe in working hard then being forced to give part of my income to those who don't work. I love my country it's the greatest but, it's not ready to be the world's savior or caretaker. Each choice a person makes should be thought out and common sense used. Giving up my gun to the government won't make the public safe but wearing a mask in a crowd might help. Matt, I know you mean well but I certainly don't have a utilitarian approach to anything.

Listed By: Matt Younts

2 Peter 3:3

3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

Listed By: Matt Younts

Matthew 24:12

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

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CGM5, Sat, 08/28/2021 - 21:36

Matt you are wasting your time with this one. I don't think he has ever troubled himself to read the word. Not only does he not believe it, he would like to persecute the Christians like Paul once did. Never say never but, your time might be spent better elsewhere.

Listed By: Johnson Brown

The current clinical management of COVID is a little concerning.  The CDC seems to be dictating the narrative through compliant hospitals, and faulty COVID tests.

Remdesivir doesn't have a good history.  Intubation is only a last resort from what I have read and creates more problems than it helps.  The link to the COVID-19 guidelines oddly missing.

I think doing some research rather than saying this works or that doesn't would work better supporting any discussion, especially when your life depends on it.

I am certainly not a doctor but my health is something I will not but in a politicians hands.   Doctors are not gods and can be misled and enticed like any other human.

Listed By: Jack West

Condolences to the family. Caleb stood up for what he believed. I admire that. And, I imagine if he could go back in time, he would not change a thing. And no one knows if his destiny would have been different had he masked and vaxxed. There are plenty of vaccinated people who have died of covid.

Listed By: Jodi Olesen

jodinjeff, Sun, 08/29/2021 - 09:24

I'm sorry that Caleb has passed away. His decisions will have lifelong negative effects for those he loved and fought for. I wonder though, how many of those left behind by Caleb will take the time to offer condolences to those who will die directly because of Caleb's choices? My elderly Father needs a heart procedure done but cannot get it done thanks to Shannon's system being overwhelmed with COVID patients (the majority of whom made a conscious decision to not get vaccinated)? Your "Funding" ma'am...Guess what? You already got your funding when the government PAID FOR the COVID vaccines so that you could be protected. I am fed up with the explosion of people who will immediately start a GoFundMe page and then sit back and expect the public to take care of their responsibilities. It's not our fault your husband made the choices he made. It's not our fault your husband may not have had life insurance or health insurance. It's not our fault that you have popped out a kid every other year and now have another one on the way. It's not our fault but you want us (the public) to take care of you. Yeah, I know...A lot of you will tell me that I don't have to contribute if I don't want to. You're right. And, I'm sure many of you will take the time to post now in response to my rant and try to berate or belittle me for being such an evil person. Go for it. I am evil. I own it. And, I'm a firm believer in personal accountability. A trait that has sadly been lost over the years.

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CGM5, Sun, 08/29/2021 - 10:26

I'm sorry to hear about your dad. My dad has long passed but, the rest of my family means everything to me. I would without hesitation die or kill for them. I would be every bit as angry as you about your dad's situation and would want to lash out at anyone or anything that causes it. However, those little girls didn't get any say about the choices made for them. The only part they get to play in this, is suffering the consequences.

Listed By: Jodi Olesen

jodinjeff, Sun, 08/29/2021 - 11:48

You are being manipulated.Of course we all care about children and don't want them to suffer. Yes, they are absolutely innocent in everything that happens (just like animals). But, at what point do you say that enough is enough and make people accept responsibility for their actions or decisions? This woman actually claims to not know whether her husband was taking Ivermectin that he may have bought at Palmer's Feed versus getting a prescription for it???? Really??? I find it hard to believe she doesn't know what he was doing. She knows better than to say he bought it at a Feed Store because then the attitude that a lot of us have at the moment would be somewhat justified. If she says he got a prescription for it, she has to provide the information to somebody regarding what doctor prescribed it. And, I don't believe a doctor prescribed it. That's why she's claiming ignorance on that issue. She's obviously not a stupid woman by any stretch of the imagination. I'll give her credit there. Obviously nobody ever expects that they will die at such a young age and leave behind multiple children (and another on the way). But, life (and death) happens to ALL of us. Don't expect society to take care of your choices.This family can sign up for Medicaid and Food Stamps. That's what those programs are for. This widow is not working as is clearly stated in the story. So, why should the public give her money when the government will do it? Oh, wait...I know...Their lifestyle would be negatively affected. That's why.

Listed By: Matt Younts

“those who will die directly because of Caleb's choices?”

Who will die directly because of his choices?

Listed By: Jodi Olesen

jodinjeff, Sun, 08/29/2021 - 11:55

Not just my Dad, but plenty of others here in San Angelo who are also needing similar heart procedures. The doctor used to do 3 of them a day and had to cut down to 2 a day and remove the overnight hospital stay that he prefers so he can monitor his patients. Now, because of people like Caleb, Shannon hospital is saying a lot of procedures cannot be done because the staffing and other resources have been taken up with nothing but COVID patients. I'm not sure you can or will follow my logic. And, if you can't or don't want to it's fine with me. We can just go back and forth in this forum if you'd like. But, it will be a waste of your time and mine. We probably will never see eye to eye on this issue.

Listed By: Matt Younts

“(the majority of whom made a conscious decision to not get vaccinated)”

What percentage of COVID patients in the hospital haven’t been vaccinated?

Listed By: Jodi Olesen

jodinjeff, Sun, 08/29/2021 - 12:25

I'm sure that whatever answer I'd give you would be immediately followed up by you with some arbitrary link to some arbitrary site that spews what I consider to be misinformation. You seem to be Hell bent on responding to posts by copying and pasting a snippet of something someone posts and then wanting them to expand on that one sentence. You must be bored or lonely or just happen to have a lot of time on your hands. Regardless, I take my information from the daily emails from the City that announces the number of deaths each day and tells whether or not the deceased had been completely, partially or unvaccinated. I'm sure you would question those figures as well??? Do you also spend this much time picking apart your beloved bible verses? Do you email God to ask Him to give you a more in depth answer to previous things He has said???

Listed By: Matt Younts

“I’m sure that whatever answer I'd give you would be immediately followed up by you with some arbitrary link to some arbitrary site that spews what I consider to be misinformation.”

Right, because can you show me where I’ve done this, ever? This is an assumption.  The fact is, you don’t have an answer to my question,you have an assumption. 

“You seem to be Hell bent on responding to posts by copying and pasting a snippet of something someone posts and then wanting them to expand on that one sentence.”

I’m not bent on that, I simply pick out the crux of an argument, which I see you have since deleted from your comment. 

“You must be bored or lonely or just happen to have a lot of time on your hands. Regardless, I take my information from the daily emails from the City that announces the number of deaths each day and tells whether or not the deceased had been completely, partially or unvaccinated. I'm sure you would question those figures as well???”

Maybe you deleted the “snippet” because you realized that it would be a logical fallacy to determine total unvaccinated in the hospital by total deaths reported to be unvaccinated. 

“Do you also spend this much time picking apart your beloved bible verses? Do you email God to ask Him to give you a more in depth answer to previous things He has said???”

Yes, I do actually. I study (pick apart) the verses in several ways and while I am doing that I pray (email) God for greater insight. That’s kinda what us Christians do. What does this have to do with the simple questions I have asked you?

Listed By: Jodi Olesen

jodinjeff, Sun, 08/29/2021 - 15:44

I had edited my post to include the information I was able to provide even though I knew you wouldn't be satisfied with my source. You truly do have way more time on your hands than I do. I will wave a white flag towards you now as I have no interest in continuing any discussions with you. You choose to spend your life questioning everyone but yourself apparently. Again, it is very obvious that no matter what I say you will find something else to ask for specifics on. I am not an Encyclopedia nor am I as unbusy as you seem to be in real life. I have other things in my life that require attention other than trolling people's posts and copying & pasting madly with requests for more information when you know it doesn't matter anyway. You keep trolling me and posting your asinine questions but I will no longer respond to them. Good day Sir.

Listed By: Matt Younts

Not asking for a response, just please consider.

Listed By: Stinky Jenkins

the whole point of wearing a mask is to keep other people from catching covid in case you're infected. it's that simple. those who won't wear a mask are letting you know to your face that they don't care about you. they don't care about your elderly grandparents. they don't care about your relative with a compromised immune system. they just don't care. this guy caleb, who didn't care about you or your family, could've wore a mask and could've gotten vaccinated. he was an idiot.

Listed By: Jodi Olesen

jodinjeff, Sun, 08/29/2021 - 19:15

Caleb even said as much with this statement from today's article: "I care about freedom more that I care about your personal health.” He made his bed, he laid in it, and he died in it.

Listed By: serenity at last

So if I'm not wearing a mask I don't care?  If I had covid I would keep my butt isolated so I wouldn't spread it.  Mask won't keep you from catching it.  When mask were mandated I saw people in produce isles reaching up under their mask and lick their fingers to open a plastic bag and then start touching all the fruits to pick out what they wanted.  The people spreading the virus are the idiots that keep going out in public when they are sick just like with the flu and colds. 


Listed By: sanglo expat

"Ivermectin is derided by those on the Left.."

This comment from the original story clownishly illuminates the political tilt of this place.

Listed By: Cajun Texan


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