City Opens Two Warming Centers


SAN ANGELO, TX – The city of San Angelo has two warming shelters available to the public as the bitter cold conditions continue across the Concho Valley and water and power outages roll on.

The first center was opened at the McNease Convention Center and the center will be accepting individuals until it reaches capacity. Once the convention center is full, residents are asked to visit the Fort Concho Stables.

Citizens interested are asked to bring a pillow and blanket if they would like to stay and snacks and refreshments for themselves. Masks are required for everyone.

Pets, such as cats and dogs, will be allowed but pet owners are required to provide the food for pets.

The Red Cross has provided cots for those who would prefer to stay the night.

Concho Valley Transit will be providing transportation for people who cannot transport themselves. The transportation will run until 7 p.m. tonight. Those who are interested in this service are asked to call 325-234-0250.

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