Hendrick Medical Center: Military Personnel Are a Godsend


ABILENE, TX – Last week Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene welcomed 40 military medical personnel that came to provide aid to hospital staff.

Abilene hospitals have dealt with a constant influx of patients who are suffering from COVID-19 and have to be hospitalized.

According to Hendrick Health Assistant CNO, Heather Ray, the hospital staff needed help.

“Nearly half of the patients that go to the ICU, don't survive. And that's very difficult and taxing on a nurse, especially our young nurses, " said Ray. "The support of the DOD is a godsend to our staff. They are tired.”

The group of military personnel is a mix of  ICU and medical surge RNs and respiratory techs from the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

One of the registered nurses is LTJG Leah Hammake.

According to Hammake, in her three years as an active duty RN, last year has proven to be the most intense.

When the pandemic began,  Hammaker served on the USNS Comfort in New York City. Since then she has been working at the COVID ward when needed at the Naval Medical Center Portsmouth.

According to Hammake, this experience has been different.

"Here, we've been able to come into a hospital and work with the staff and trade best practices in order to provide the best care for the patient possible," said Hammake.

The military personnel will remain at Hendrick Medical Center until February 27, but the mission may be extended.

It would take a reevaluation by us in a request through our normal process, which would go up through the North Central Texas RAC, and is part of the state process there," she explained," said Ray.

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