Odessa City Council Votes Against Mask Mandate


ODESSA, TX — After Odessa Mayor David Turner introduced an order that would make face coverings a requirement last week, the Odessa City Council voted 6-1 against the measure.

According to MRT.com, only District 5 Councilwoman Mari Willis voted in favor of making masks mandatory. The proposed mandate garnered significant criticism from the public.

One citizen allegedly threatened to “take up arms against the city” if the order was approved. Most critics argued that wearing a mask should be a choice. They alleged a mask mandate “took away their freedoms and/or that they promised to vote out of office council members who supported the mandate.”

During the meeting, all council members wore masks and told citizens they believed to it was important to discuss the safety of their constituents.

Even though he introduced the ordinance, Mayor Turner voted against it in the meeting. He said, “something must be done to bring down the number of coronavirus cases in Ector County.”

According to Turner, Odessa’s unemployment rate has reached 16.5 percent, and the “inability to protect the community is impacting the community economically.”

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Heartening to hear mask imposition rejected, even voted against by the mayor, who introduced it in the first place. Odessa rejects media generated virus panic in favor of self-informed common sense.

Encouraging to see Odessa citizens voicing opposition to this mask garbage. And council members paid attention. That's how self-government is supposed to work.

Finally some backbone. I see only Coronavirus hysteria and a pandemic of corruption with the destruction of our constitution. Our constitution is being sacrificed at the altar of public health. To be clear, there is no authority for any politician to suspend liberty, violate the constitution and set aside our god given rights all in the name of public health, as if there was no limitation on what government can do. If individuals can be fined or put in jail for not wearing the “right” apparel according to some politician or unelected so-called health “official”, then where are there any limitations? The constitution is those limitations; and they have been violated by orders to where masks. Anyone who violates their oath of office should be removed from office. There are no exemptions to liberty. All my rights, all the time. Masks are nothing more than a behavioral reminder of the scamdemic, a social engineering experiment.
“Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance.” ~Woodrow Wilson

I'd like to commend you for your keen insight and resisting the temptation to spout some complacent, HR approved milquetoast opinion but instead relying on verifiable facts to form your thesis.

It's a refreshing and uplifting sight to behold after glossing over many Dunning-Kruger comments left by individuals whose screen names I don't mention to spare them the shame. (San Angelo Expat often makes such comments, and it's truly disheartening.)

Thank you for your insight!

Cajun... I commend you for supplying a pretty steady flow of reasoned logic to the arguments here, and doing so in a civilized manner. You provide a nice counterbalance to the silliness and oft downright stupidity that seems to dominate.


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