SAN ANGELO, TX —The number of coronavirus cases is on the climb as the City of San Angelo confirms yet a second day with 20 new cases. Since Monday the city has confirmed 65 new cases, with 54 cases belonging to residents of Tom Green County.
The remaining 11 cases belong to patients from out of the county that are tested in Tom Green County. Those counties include McCulloch County, Glasscock County, and Schleicher County.
Prior to this apparent spike, it took Tom Green County 40 days to confirm the same number of positive cases. The total positive cases confirmed has reached over 200, with 82 of them classified as active.
- March 24, 2020 - First confirmed case in San Angelo. The patient, a man in his 70s, was at Shannon and recovering. He was said to have traveled internationally prior to contracting COVID-19. The City shut down hair, nail and tattoo parlors and stressed maintaining the 6-foot separation rule.
- March 25, 2020 - The second case was a male in his 20s. Health officials said he was in contact with someone with COVID-19 elsewhere in the state.
- March 27, 2020 - The third case announced Friday was a female in her 30s who had no known contact with a positive case, which means San Angelo public health officials categorized it as the first case of "community" spread.
- March 29, 2020 - The fourth case is related to the woman in her 30s who was ill as reported Friday, March 27. This is a small child in the same family. All family members are isolated, the City said.
- March 29, 2020 - A man in his 30s who is related to the woman in her 30s reported on Friday, March 27. All family members are isolated, the City said.
- March 29, 2020 - The sixth case is a female in her 20s who came into contact with a confirmed positive travel-related case.
- March 31, 2020 - The 7th case is a preteen female. She and her household have been self-isolating since March 24.
- March 31, 2020 - The 8th case is a man in his 50s from out of town who was here for work purposes. He is currently hospitalized in San Angelo.
- March 31, 2020 - The 9th case is a man in his 70s. He is currently hospitalized in San Angelo.
- April 2, 2020 - The 10th case is a male in his 30s who had no known contact with a positive case, categorized as a case of community spread.
- April 3, 2020 - The 11th case is a teenage female, family member of case #7 (preteen female)
- April 3, 2020 - The 12th case is a newborn male, family member of case #7
- April 3, 2020 - The 13th case is a male in his 40s, family member of case #7
- April 3, 2020 - The 14th case is a female in her 40s, family contact with another positive case
- April 3, 2020 - The 15th case is a female in her 20s, family member of case #6 (female in her 20s)
- April 3, 2020 - The 16th case is a female in her 20s with no known contact with a positive case, categorized as a case of community spread.
- April 3, 2020 - The 17th case is a female in her 60s, travel-related case
- April 4, 2020 - The 18th case is not community spread. Female in her 40s.
- April 4, 2020 - The 19th case is not community spread. Female in her 40s.
- April 4, 2020 - The 20th case is not community spread. Female in her 40s.
- April 5, 2020 - The 21st case is a male in his 60s who had exposure to a known case.
- April 6, 2020 - The 22nd case is a preteen females who had exposure to known positive cases.
- April 6, 2020 - The 23rd case is a preteen female who had exposure to a known positive case.
- April 6, 2020 - The 24th case is a male in his 50s who also had exposure to a known positive case.
- April 7, 2020 - The 25th case is a young adult male with no recent travel or contact with positive cases.
- April 9, 2020 - The 26th case is a male in his 60s who had exposure to known case.
- April 9, 2020 - The 27th case is a male in his 40s who had exposure to known case.
- April 9, 2020 - The 28th case is a teenage male. The patient was exposed to a known case.
- April 9, 2020 - The 29th case is a young boy who contracted the virus through community spread.
- April 9, 2020 - The 30th case is a female in her 30s with exposure to a known case.
- April 9, 2020 - The 31st case is a preteen female with exposure to known case.
- April 9, 2020 - The 32nd case is a teenage male with exposure to known case.
- April 10, 2020 - The 33rd case is a female in her 60s, classified as community spread.
- April 10, 2020 - The 34rd case is a female in her 60s, classified as community spread.
- April 11, 2020 - The 35th case is a Female in her 20s, community spread
- April 11, 2020 - The 36th case is a Female in her 40s, community spread
- April 13, 2020 - The 37th case is a Teenage female, exposure to known case
- April 13, 2020 - The 38th case is a Female in her 60s, exposure to known case
- April 13, 2020 - The 39th case is a Male in his 50s, community spread
- April 15, 2020 - The 40th case is a Female in her 20s, this case is community spread.
- April 16, 2020 - The 41stcase is a Female in her teens, this case is community spread
- April 23, 2020 - The 42nd case is a Female in her 40s, source of exposure is unknown.
- April 25, 2020 - The 43rd case is a Hispanic female in her 50s with exposure to known case. Potter County is her county of residence, but she was tested in San Angelo. She has returned to her county and will be monitored by the health department there.
- April 25, 2020 - The 44th case is a white male in his 40s, community spread. Runnels County is his county of residence, but he was tested in San Angelo.
- April 26, 2020 - The 45th case is a man in his 50s, Hispanic, community spread (had no known contacts with a positive case or travel).
- April 29, 2020 – The 46th case is a white male in his 30s. He was tested in Bexar County but has a county of residence of Tom Green County.
- April 29, 2020 – The 47th case is a white female in her 40s who was exposed to COVID-19 by a known case. Her county of residence is Runnels County.
- April 29, 2020 –The 48th case is a Hispanic male in his 20s who was exposed to COVID-19 by a known case. His county of residence is Runnels County.
- April 29, 2020 – The 49th case is a Hispanic female in her 50s who was exposed to COVID-19 by a known case. Her county of residence is Tom Green County.
- April 29, 2020 – The 50th case is a Hispanic male in his 20s who was exposed to COVID-19 by a known case. His county of residence is Tom Green County.
- April 29, 2020 – The 51st case is a Black female in her 20s who was exposed to COVID-19 by a known case. His county of residence is Tom Green County.
- April 30, 2020 – The 52nd case is a black male in his 60s whose county of residence is Coleman County. We cannot confirm the transmission method because the state is conducting the investigation
- May 1, 2020 – The 53rd case is a white male in his 40s, exposure to a positive case
- May 1, 2020 – The 54th case is a black male in his 30s, exposure to a positive case
- May 1, 2020 – The 55th case is a Hispanic female, teenager, exposure to a positive case
- May 1, 2020 – The 56th case is a white female in her 40s, community spread
- May 2, 2020 – The 57th the case is a Black male in his 60s, resident of Coleman county, exposure to known case.
- May 2, 2020 – The 58th-78th case is from the Rambler Solar Project. For more check out the article here.
- May 4, 2020 – The 79th case is a Hispanic female in her 30s, community spread.
- May 6, 2020 – The 80th case is a Male in his 40s – Rambler case
- May 6, 2020 – The 81st case is a Male in his 20s, Hispanic, county of residence is Harris County – Rambler case
- May 6, 2020 – The 82nd case is a Teenage female, Hispanic, exposure to positive case
- May 6, 2020 – The 83rd case is a Female in her 50s, white, community sprea
- May 7, 2020 – The 84th case is a Male in his 30s, Hispanic, exposure to known case
- May 14, 2020 – The 85th case is a White male in his 30s, transmission type pending investigation, Tom Green County is county of residence
- May 15, 2020 – The 86th case is a White male, teenager, community spread.
- May 18, 2020 – The 87th case is a Female in her 40s, Hispanic, travel-related case
- May 20, 2020 – The 88th case is a Female in her 20s, Hispanic, exposure to a known case
- May 21, 2020 – The 89th case is a Male in his 20s, Hispanic, travel-related case.
- May 22, 2020 – The 90th case is a Male in his 30s, Hispanic, community spread. Harris County is his county of residence.
- May 27, 2020 – The 91st case is a Female in her 60s, Hispanic, community spread, (tested in Maverick County, TGC resident)
- May 27, 2020 – The 92nd case is a Male in his 20s, Hispanic, community spread (TGC resident)
- May 27, 2020 – The 93rd case is a Male in his 50s, white, community spread, currently hospitalized (TGC resident)
- May 29, 2020 – The 94th case is a Hispanic male in his 20s, TGC, exposure to known case
- May 29, 2020 – The 95th case is a White male in his 30s, TGC, exposure to known case
- May 30, 2020 – The 96th case is a Hispanic female in her 50s, TGC, exposure to known case
- May 30, 2020 – The 97th case is a White female, teenager, TGC, exposure to known case
- May 30, 2020 – The 98th case is a Hispanic female in her 20s, TGC, exposure to known case
- May 30, 2020 – The 99th case is a Hispanic male in his 30s, TGC, exposure to known case
- May 31, 2020 – The 100th case is a Hispanic male in his 20s, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 1, 2020 – The 101st case is a Female in her 40s, white, county of residence is Irion, exposure to known case
- June 1, 2020 – The 102nd case is a Male in his 60s, TGC, information pending
- June 1, 2020 – The 103rd case is a Female in her 70s, TGC, information pending
- June 1, 2020 – The 104th case is a Male in his 30s, TGC, information pending
- June 1, 2020 – The 105th case is a Female in her 30s, TGC, information pending
- June 1, 2020 – The 106th case is a Male in his 40s, TGC, information pending
- June 3, 2020 – The 107th case is a Male in his 40s, white, exposure to known case.
- June 4, 2020 – The 108th case is a Male in his 40s, Hispanic, county of residence is Crockett County, community spread
- June 4, 2020 – The 109th case is a Female in her 40s, Hispanic, exposure to a known case
- June 5, 2020 – The 110th case is a Female in her 40s, white, travel-related, TGC
- June 5, 2020 – The 111th case is a Female in her 20s, white, travel-related, tested out of state, TGC
- June 7, 2020- The 112th case is a Female in her 30s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 7, 2020- The 113th case is a Female in her 50s, White, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 7, 2020- The 114th case is a Teenage male, Hispanic, Crockett County, exposure to known case
- June 7, 2020- The 115th case is a Male in his 40s, Hispanic, Tom Green County, community spread
- June 8, 2020- The 116th case is a Female child, Hispanic, Crockett County, exposure to known case
- June 8, 2020- The 117th case is a Teenage male, white, Crockett County, exposure to known case
- June 8, 2020- The 118th case is a Male in his 40s, Hispanic, Tom Green County, community spread
- June 9, 2020- The 119th case is a Teenage female, white, Crockett County, exposure to known case
- June 10, 2020- The 120th case is a Female in her 70s, white, Coke County, community spread
- June 10, 2020- The 121st case is a Teenage male, Hispanic, Upton County, community spread (will be monitored in TGC)
- June 10, 2020 - The 122nd case is a Male in his 40s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 11, 2020 - The 123rd case is a Female in her 20s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 11, 2020 - The 124th case is a Male in his 30s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 11, 2020 - The 125th case is a Male in his 70s, white, Coke County, exposure to known case
- June 11, 2020- The 126th case is a Young male, white, Coke County, exposure to known case
- June 11, 2020- The 127th case is a Male in his 20s, Hispanic, TGC, pending
- June 11, 2020- The 128th case is a Female in her 30s, white, TGC, pending
- June 11, 2020- The 129th case is a Male in his 40s, Hispanic, TGC, pending
- June 11, 2020- The 130th case is a Female in her 30s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 12, 2020- The 131st case is a Young male, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 12, 2020- The 132nd case is a Male in his 20s, white, TGC, pending
- June 12, 2020- The 133rd case is a Male in his 40s, Hispanic, TGC, travel, tested in Dallas County
- June 12, 2020- The 134th case is a Female in her 40s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 12, 2020- The 135th case is a Female in her 30s, Hispanic, TGC, travel
- June 12, 2020- The 136th case is a Female in her 40s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 12, 2020- The 137th case is a Male in his 30s, Hispanic, Schleicher County, community spread
- June 13, 2020- The 138th case is a Female in her 20s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 13, 2020- The 139th case is a Male in his 70s, white, TGC, community spread, hospitalized
- June 13, 2020- The 140th case is a Male in his 50s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 13, 2020- The 141st case is a Male in his 20s, white, TGC, community spread
- June 13, 2020- The 142nd case is a Female in her 40s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 13, 2020- The 143rd case is a Teenage female, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 13, 2020- The 144th case is a Young female, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 13, 2020- The 145th case is a Female in her 30s, Hispanic, TGC, pending transmission
- June 13, 2020- The 146th case is a Male in his 20s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 14, 2020 - The 147th case is a Female in her 60s, Hispanic, Tom Green County, community spread
- June 14, 2020 - The 148th case is a Teenage female, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 15, 2020 - The 148th case is a Female in her 20s, Hispanic, Tom Green County, pending method of transmission
- June 15, 2020 - The 149th case is a Teenage female, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 15, 2020 - The 150th case is a Teenage female, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 15, 2020 - The 151st case is a Male in his 20s, Hispanic, McCullough County, exposure to known case
- June 15, 2020 - The 152nd case is a Teenage male, white, Glasscock County, community spread
- June 15, 2020 - The 153rd case is a Male in his 70s, all demographics pending
- June 15, 2020 - The 154th case is a Male in his 30s, Hispanic, Schleicher County, exposure to known case
- June 15, 2020 - The 155th case is a Male in his 20s, Hispanic, Schleicher County, exposure to known case
- June 15, 2020 - The 156th case is a Infant male, Hispanic, Schleicher County, exposure to known case
- June 15, 2020 - The 157th case is a Female in her 20s, Hispanic, Schleicher County, exposure to known case
- June 15, 2020 - The 158th case is a Female in her 20s, white, TGC, travel related case
- June 15, 2020 - The 159th case is a Female in her 30s, Hispanic, TGC, pending method of transmission
- June 15, 2020 - The 160th case is a Teenage female, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 15, 2020 - The 161st case is a Female in her 50s, white, TGC, pending method of transmission
- June 15, 2020 - The 162nd case is a Male in his 40s, Hispanic, TGC, pending method of transmission
- June 16, 2020 - The 163rd case is a Female in her 60s, white, Tom Green County, exposure to known case
- June 16, 2020 - The 164th case is a Male in his 30s, Hispanic, TGC, travel related
- June 16, 2020 - The 165th case is a Male in his 50s, white, TGC, travel related
- June 16, 2020 - The 166th case is a Male in his 40s, Hispanic, Schleicher County, community spread
- June 16, 2020 - The 167th case is a Male in his 30s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 16, 2020 - The 168th case is a Male in his 50s, Hispanic, Schleicher County, exposure to known case
- June 16, 2020 - The 169th case is a Teenage female, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 16, 2020 - The 170th case is a Male in his 40s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread, currently hospitalized
- June 16, 2020 - The 171st case is a Female in her 20s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 16, 2020 - The 172nd case is a Male in his 50s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 173rd case is a Female in her 40s, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 174th case is a Male in his 20s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 17, 2020 - The 175th case is a Female in her 40s, Hispanic, TGC, pending method of transmission
- June 17, 2020 - The 176th case is a Male in his 50s, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 177th case is a Female in her 50s, Hispanic, Schleicher County, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 178th case is a Female in her 40s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 179th case is a Teenage female, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 180th case is a Teenage male, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 181st case is a Female in her 50s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 182nd case is a Female in her 70s, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 183rd case is a Female in her 40s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 184th case is a Young female, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 185th case is a Teenage female, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 186th case is a Male in his 50s, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 187th case is a Female in her 60s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 17, 2020 - The 188th case is a Young male, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 17, 2020 - The 189th case is a Male in his 40s, white, TGC, pending method of transmission
- June 17, 2020 - The 190th case is a Male in his 40s, Hispanic, TGC, pending method of transmission
- June 17, 2020 - The 191st case is a Female in her 20s, Hispanic, TGC, pending method of transmission
- June 17, 2020 - The 192nd case is a Female in her 30s, Hispanic, TGC, community spread
- June 18, 2020 - The 193rd case is Female in her 50s, white, Tom Green County (TGC), exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 194th case is Male in his 40s, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 195th case is Female in her 40s, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 196th case is Male in his 20s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 197th case is Teenage male, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 198th case is Young female, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 199th case is Male in his 20s, American Indian, TGC, pending method of transmission
- June 18, 2020 - The 200th case is Female in her 20s, Hispanic, Schleicher County, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 201st case is Young female, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 202nd case is Female in her 20s, Hispanic, TGC, pending method of transmission
- June 18, 2020 - The 203rdcase is Female in her 20s, Hispanic, TGC, pending method of transmission
- June 18, 2020 - The 204th case is Female in her 20s, Hispanic, Schleicher County, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 205th case is Female in her 40s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 206th case is Female in her 20s, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 207th case is Male in his 70s, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 208th case is Male in his 50s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 – The 209th case is Young male, black, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 210th case is Female in her 30s, white, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 211st case is Male in his 20s, Hispanic, TGC, exposure to known case
- June 18, 2020 - The 212th case is Male in his 20s, white, TGC, pending method of transmission
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Look out America, the world is about to shut down for the second time.... The Democrats have released a second wave of their bug they paid to be developed since the first round failed to get Trump to step down....
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PermalinkI know you're not serious, but has it ever occured to you not to post something here that makes you sound like an idiot? This stuff is not funny, and it's really stupid.
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PermalinkOh sorry about that Ex Putz... Just trying to act like you is all......
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PermalinkWe have more pedophiles driving around than that on the DAILY
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PermalinkIf people were wearing masks and practicing social distancing we might not have quite the spike! Very few have been doing this that I have seen.
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PermalinkThis virus is not a joke folks. There may not be a large percentage of the population that have it, but the people that do don't care about statistics, just about surviving it. The attitude of some about masks and distancing amazes me. I wonder if they play Russian roulette in their spare time?
I also wonder why there are so many Hispanic people on the list...
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Permalink...though transmission is more likely if you want to visit your grandparents, attend church or go back to work.
The "experts" however, are adamant that acquiring Covid-19 is less likely if you'd like to mingle among screaming herds of morons, inches away from each other or burn down a building with people who spend more time in jail cells than showering.
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PermalinkLike the anti-lock down protesters, not wearing mask, carrying long guns and screaming in the faces of law enforcement officers.
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PermalinkI was wondering the same thing and its a mixture of a cultural need to congregate amongst many people (tribe mentality) and an ignorance of medicine in general i.e. taking antibiotics for a cold
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PermalinkWhat I have read it is most of the new cases are from contact with people that have it so how is that Community spread? They say you are more likely to get it if you go to an area where they have a lot more cases like Dallas San Antonio or if you have big crowds of social Gathering and I mean like 10 or more in your home for a long period of time all it takes is one person if you don't feel good don't get out stay home.
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PermalinkIt appears that natural selection and survival of the fittest is more likely these days to be survival of the SMARTEST.
And I suppose that's a form of natural selection, too. Deniers are the ones falling in this pandemic. The rally in Tulsa tomorrow is likely to decimate conservatives from all over the country and truly weaken those in the voter base who refuse to acknowledge that prevention is necessary.
So, yeah! Bring it on! Trump rally in EVERY city!
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