Coronavirus: Shannon Hospital Short of Testing Supplies


SAN ANGELO, TX -- The debate for widespread testing continues making headlines and on Thursday night Shannon Medical Center provided an update that showcases some of the issues communities are facing as they attempt to increase testing numbers.

"Similar to other places in the country, Shannon is experiencing a shortage in testing supplies for COVID-19 that is limiting our ability for widespread testing."

Currently, only individuals that have symptoms identified by the CDC can be tested.

The symptoms include cough or shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Patients may also be tested if they have at least two of the following symptoms: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.

"Shannon continues to seek additional supplies so we can expand testing for our area. We will provide updates to our community as soon as we have adequate supplies for this."

In San Angelo 1833 tests have been completed as of Thursday, April 30.

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San Angelo is an isolated city with two hospitals, inadequate testing and who knows how many positive cases. This paper and thousands of others across the nation are missing the mark when it comes to being straight forward in this pandemic: Texas has not met the CDC requirements to enter phase one of reopening. Not even close. That goes for San Angelo as well.
In short, the economy has been made a priority over our lives. It's that simple. Our risk is now greater than it was a month ago and we have VERY limited supplies. I understand the need to work, but these facts should be front and center as you start each and every day.

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