Over 20% of Abilene Fire Department Has Tested Positive for COVID-19


ABILENE, TX – After more than 20 percent of the fire department personnel tested positive for COVID-19, the Abilene Fire Department is being forced to adjust to the new changes.

According to KTXS, in order to combat the shortage of personnel, several firefighters will be working overtime and employees will be moved around the department to ensure all rigs are fully staffed.

According to Chief Flores, every firefighter has been issued at least two personal masks. They are required to wear the masks in addition to practicing social distancing at the fire stations. 

“I’m still really confident, I’m not worried at this point as far as what we can provide to the public and I think we’ve got everything under control at this point," said Flores. "Definitely not panicking at this time," said Flores. "I feel like we’ve got things under control. I’m pretty confident and positive on how we’re coming forward.”

Firefighters that have tested positive are either self-isolating at home or in additional locations provided by the department while waiting for test results.

Additional plans are also in place in case the department reaches 70% of infected firefighters. Chief Flores did not go into specifics regarding those plans, but he stated they could ask other fire departments and the state for help.

Chief Flores also tested positive and he is currently self-isolating at home.

“I’m feeling okay," said Flores. "Little bit of a cough, kinda a headache that just won’t go away. But other than that, I’m doing pretty decent.” 

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