Coronavirus: 41 Fire Fighters Test Positive


ABILENE, TX – The Abilene Fire Department is reporting 41 firefighters have tested positive for COVID-19 during the last 72 hours. These positives are being counted as part of the 227 total cases that are currently reported by the City. The positive cases include Abilene Fire Chief Cande Flores.

Meanwhile, an additional seven members of the department are also in self-quarantine awaiting testing results at this time. 

City Manager Robert Hanna told KTXS the firefighters are from multiple stations.

In addition, the City is currently taking bids for a deep cleaning in order to maintaining operational readiness. 

All personnel who tested positive are required to self-isolate until cleared by the Abilene-Taylor County Heath District. The 43 fire fighters who have already been tested used their health insurance to get tested by private labs.

"The City of Abilene is thankful to (the 36 firefighters who tested positive) for their service to the community on the front lines," the City said in a news release. "Many, if not most are experiencing mild to no symptoms, which will hopefully translate to a speedy recovery process."

According to the City, the fire department initially implemented its COVID-19 Response Plan in early March which provided additional personal protective equipment, outlined policies for station and equipment disinfecting, and closed all stations to visitors and the general public. 


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wDougL, Mon, 04/27/2020 - 11:35

... all use health insurance to be tested by private labs?? Sounds fishy... and smells of fish too but, who knows?? Could be legitimate or not! Judge for yourself and ask this question... "Why did they wait till over the weekend to be tested?" Who knows? It feels like we have all entered... "The Twilight Zone" ... it's all just to strange these days!

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