Coronavirus: 14 City Employees Test Positive in Abilene


 ABILENE, TX – The City of Abilene has confirmed 14 of its employees have tested positive for coronavirus. The city also announced City Manager Robert Hanna is under going self-quarantine after being exposed to a staff member that tested positive.

According to KTXS, nine of the 14 work for the Abilene-Taylor County Public Health District and MERCY Health Care Center. The boom in cases caused both facilities to close to the public.

Two emergency management employees and three members of the Abilene Fire Department have also tested positive for COVID-19.

The fourteen cases were part of the results received within the last 48 hours, according to the city.

Residents that need to undergo COVID-19 testing at MERCY or the Health District need to call the facility before showing up. 

Residents can contact MERCY at 325-676-6634 or the Abilene Taylor County Public Health District at 325-692-5600.

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So, if the infection rate is the same among Essentials and Non-Essentials, why shut down a thriving economy? Once all this is said and done, it will be determined that NOTHING should have been shut down.

Mayor Gunter is playing the climate change shill game....if we have rain/snow/drought/wind/calm, it's all because of climate change. The good mayor postulates social distancing/quarantining/job loss was the basis for low Chinese Skyisfalling Media Panic virus numbers in the Big Country. I submit that Americans (well, most of us) are smart enough to social distance/wash our hands, without ruining our country in the process. Shame on tyrannical local governments for ruining the lives of ordinary working Americans. Further, I expect a property tax break for the services not offered during the Chinese Skyisfalling Media Panic virus......

No most of us aren't smart enough to not infect everyone. I still see like 3 quarters of people not wearing a mask. You want to open up, but not willing to take proper precautions. You're part of the group that's going to cause a reinfection or that's going to stop us from opening back up altogether.

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