Coronavirus: Illegal Immigrant Detained at Processing Facility tests Positive


ANSON, TX – A detainee at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement processing facility in Anson has tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday.

According to Jones County Judge Dale Spurgin, the Jones County Health Authority was notified Tuesday evening that a detainee at the Bluebonnet Immigration Processing Facility tested positive for the coronavirus.

The detainee has been tested at the facility and is now quarantined in the facilities medical holding area.

This is now the fifth confirmed case of coronavirus in Jones County.

Spurgin also states, the first three patients have recovered, but some of their family members may still be under self-quarantine at this time.

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wDougL, Wed, 04/22/2020 - 18:00

... the United States at this time should ... "Not" allow immigrants from "Any" other countries into the United States! It is "Not" a racist decision, it "Is" a matter of National security! My neighbor is Hispanic and has family that live in Mexico and her and I were talking about the President and the subject came up about the President wanting to build a wall at the U.S. and Mexico border! She said she didn't like that so many people wanted the Wall to be built and that it was racist to have the Wall built! I replied..
" It's not about race, it's about National Security... mainly to help fight terrorism! " ... she looked as if she was really giving it a second thought... and a few moments later said "Yeah, you know I didn't think of it that way but now that you said that ... I understand now!" I pray and hope that more people of other races that are American citizens... will agree that the wall and this decision by President Trump "is" a matter of National Security and not to be taken as a racist decision!

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