WATCH: Shannon Medical Center Agrees to Purchase Community


SAN ANGELO, TX – Shannon Medical Center announced Monday that they will be purchasing San Angelo Community Medical Center as part of an agreement between Shannon and the Nashville-based Community Health Systems, Inc.

According to Shannon, on April 20, Shannon West Texas Memorial Hospital (Shannon) has signed an agreement to acquire the assets of San Angelo Community Medical Center (Community) from subsidiaries of Nashville-based Community Health Systems, Inc. (CHS), advancing its commitment to preserve and expand access to high-quality, community-based healthcare for west Texans. 

Here is a video of President and CEO Shane Plymell on the Deal: 


“For more than 85 years, Shannon Medical Center’s community-led Board of Trustees has demonstrated their commitment to meeting our community’s evolving healthcare needs while remaining a financially healthy, locally-governed non-profit organization,” said Shane Plymell, President and Chief Executive Officer of Shannon Medical Center. “The plan we are pursuing will utilize the best of both organizations as we preserve and expand access to affordable, high quality healthcare – even as other communities like ours see hospitals close and services disappear.”

Many have expected this purchase for some time. Now Shannon Medical Center will be the only major health care provider in San Angelo.

“This is not only an opportunity to combine the capabilities and expertise of both organizations, but it also ensures we have a strong, viable and independent hospital system capable of providing the best care at the lowest cost for patients,” said Len P. Mertz, managing trustee of Shannon West Texas Memorial Hospital. “Working together for the benefit of patients across our region makes good sense and we welcome the opportunity to collaborate,” said Rod Schumacher, CEO of San Angelo Community Medical Center. “Our organizations have shared a commitment to providing quality, compassionate care for the individuals who come to us for medical services.” 

The parties intend to apply for a Certificate of Public Advantage under a new regulatory framework in the State of Texas, involving, among other things, review and approval of the transaction by the Health and Human Services Commission. This regulatory review process is expected to conclude by the end of the third quarter this year.

In the meantime, nothing will change for patients or employees of either organization. During the process of seeking regulatory approval, Shannon Medical Center and San Angelo Community Medical Center will continue to operate as separate and independent organizations. Shannon is committed to keeping the community informed throughout this process and has launched a website,, where local residents can learn more.

Community Medical Center was a for-profit organization. Now it will be a part of Shannon which is a non-profit. 

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