SAN ANTONIO, TX – H-E-B updated the limited purchase products list on Thursday.
According to H-E-B, returns of certain items are prohibited as well.
We understand our customers want to prepare by stocking up on the essentials. Texans must continue to prepare, but panic does not promote progress.
For the long term, H-E-B is in a good in-stock position on many of the items our customers need and we are working around the clock to restock our shelves. To help protect the supply chain in Texas, we’ve implemented temporary purchase limits on certain items. Limiting product purchases and store hours is a proven way to ensure the best service and product availability for all customers. While our customers might notice supply of some products low or temporarily out of stock, we encourage them to check back with us if they cannot find what they need, as we’ll continue to restock our products.
Out of an abundance of care and concern for all H-E-B customers, we will not accept returns on the following categories that were purchased in anticipation of the coronavirus outbreak:
- Paper Towels
- Bath Tissue
- Thermometers
- Analgesics
- Disinfecting Sprays
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Frozen Food
- Liquid/Bar Soap
- Hand Sanitizer
- Cold/Allergy/Sinus Medications
- Vitamins/Supplements
- Laundry detergent
In an effort to make sure all customers have access to products they need, H-E-B is limiting the purchase of the following items per shopping trip/transaction: (updated 4/13)
Product Limits
Food items
- Eggs (smaller than 30 count) – 2 items
- Eggs (30 count and larger) – 1 item
- Pasta Sauce: 4 items
- Rice – 4 items
- Dried Beans – 4 items
- Powdered Milk – 2 items
Non-food items
- Acetaminophen – 2 items total (includes baby, trial and travel sizes, OTC)
- Baby wipes – 2 items
- Puppy Pads – 1 item
- Bath tissue multipack (SA, Gulf, Border, Central TX, W TX, N TX) – 1 item
- Bath tissue single roll (SA, Gulf, Border, Central TX, W TX, N TX) – 2 items
- Bath tissue (Houston area) – 2 items
- Paper towels: 2 items
- Disinfecting & antibacterial sprays – 2 items
- Disinfecting & antibacterial wipes – 2 items
- Trial and travel size disinfecting & antibacterial sprays/wipes – 2 items
- Liquid bleach – 2 items
- Hand sanitizer – 2 items
- Hand soap – 2 items
- Aloe Vera – 2 items (Digestive Health, Skincare/Suncare, Healthy Living)
- Hydrogen peroxide – 2 items
- Rubbing (Isopropyl) Alcohol/swabs – 2 items
- First Aid and Cleaning Gloves – 2 items
- Masks – 2 items
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