San Angelo City Council Extends and Clarifies Disaster Declaration


SAN ANGELO, TX – The San Angelo City Council Wednesday extended the Coronavirus disaster declaration caused via video conference in an emergency meeting. 

The council reversed its stance on parks, golf courses, walking trails issued Tuesday saying they needed to comply with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's executive order Tuesday which allows those outdoor activities to continue as long as Texans practice social distancing. 

Here is the detailed information released Wednesday following the emergency meeting:

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For more information on the City of San Angelo Coronavirus Response, go here.

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Hmmm uhhhh hi yes excuse me! I need someone to explain to me what a sexually oriented business is? Are you saying that prostitutes have to close up shop? Or...? Cuz I thought that was already a big no no.

Seems to imply that all thotological services have been made free, by law.

Thot Status: Regulated

Tennis should not be prohibited. You've got the social separation and even a net to catch the nasty critters from crossing over.... :) all who have suddenly found themselves with no available vendors of adult novelties and aphrodisiacs in this time of crisis.

How will I be able to follow instructions to go **** *** if I don't have the means to do so?! Im just trying to support my community and if adult toys are the means by which to do so who is big govt to say otherwise?!

Governor Abbot issued an executive order Tuesday designating religious services as "essential." This order "overrules " local prohibitions ("States Consider Whether Religios Services Qualify as 'Essential'", April 1, 2020, San Angelo City Council needs to update their recent declaration to reflect this.

Spiritual and/or religious affirmation need not take place crammed in pews elbow to elbow, creating the perfect Petri dish that will further the spread of this scourge.
Virtual and video broadcast services will allow the tithing congregation to keep on giving......

Yea I guarantee the churches have a PayPal set up so that people have remotely tithe from the comfort of their own bedroom

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