Coronavirus: Howard College Closes After Employee Exposed to Confirmed Coronavirus


SAN ANGELO, TX – The Howard College San Angelo campus has temporarily closed for disinfecting after an employee self-reported exposure to a confirmed case of the COVID-19 virus. Although the campus has been in altered operations mode since March 17th, the individual had been to the campus after exposure, however, they were not in contact with any students. The employee is not exhibiting symptoms, is seeking testing, and is self-quarantining at home.

“I want to reiterate that we have not had someone on our campus test positive for the COVID-19 virus at this time,” said Dr. Cheryl T. Sparks, president of Howard College. “We have had an employee exposed and therefore are closing the campus for cleaning and sterilization in concert with the federal guidelines for employers that we have been given.”

Additionally, any other employees that were within 3-6 feet of the exposed employee have been notified and were asked to follow federal guidelines and self-quarantine for 14 days. 

The campus will be closed at least through Monday so that staff can wait the recommended 24 hours prior to entering buildings for cleaning. Proper personal protection equipment will be provided for all cleaning staff. Out of an abundance of caution, they will not enter the buildings to begin disinfecting until Monday. The campus will be available for entry in altered operations status once it is determined safe to do so.

“We are respecting the privacy of our employee and will not release personal information,” said Sparks. “But we have strictly followed the guidelines and are continuing to encourage our employees to be mindful of federal, state, and local guidelines regarding COVID-19 measures.”

Howard College is following the federal guidelines provided for businesses if exposure is reported. The college currently plans to remain in altered operations status through April 3rd unless the situation changes or further directions are given from federal, state, or local authorities.

“Our focus right now is on the health and safety of our students, employees, and community,” stated Sparks. “We will continue to be diligent in our efforts to help flatten the curve and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus while continuing to safely serve our students and communities.”

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