SAN ANGELO, TX – United Blood Services is having a blood drive on Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Cecil A. Ross Investment & Insurance Group at 5301 Knickerbocker Road just past Bentwood Drive.
Donors have the opportunity to win two tickets to the sold out Feb 16th Short Go- Final Rodeo Performance.
Donors who donate at Cecil Ross in the bloodmobile are the ones who have the opportunity to win the rodeo prize and the winner will be announced via cell phone once the blood drive has concluded. Tickets can be picked up at the Cecil Ross offices.
Other prizes include:
- Cinemark Movie Pass
- Chick-Fil-A Coupons- Free Salad
- Stripes Car Wash Token- $12 Value
- 3 Parrots Coupon- Free Chips and Queso
- Entry in drawing to win Free Shoe Shine- Courtesy of Ernie’s Shoe Shine
Plus you also get an entry in the Grand Prize drawing, which is the Downtime Package. Over $500 in value, it is a two night getaway at The Hummer House in Christoval along with another two night getaway at the Wyndham, Leather Psalm earrings, wine, $100 Visa Gift card and more. Courtesy of Cecil A. Ross Investment & Insurance. The chance to win the grand prize ends on Feb. 17 and the drawing for the grand prize is Feb. 19.
Appointments encouraged but walk-ins are welcome. Call Becky Ross at 949-3200 or call 877-827-4376 use code: investment
or go online to or download the app.
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