Shannon to Host Trauma Symposium for Healthcare Providers


Registration is open for the 15th annual Gus Eckhardt Trauma Symposium, “A Legacy of Trauma Care in the Concho Valley,” scheduled for Saturday, April 11, from 7:30 am to 4 pm at the West Texas Training Center in San Angelo. Sponsored by Shannon Medical Center, the Symposium provides continuing education for physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses and EMTs and paramedics seeking to enhance their skills in caring for and managing trauma patients.

Experts in the field of trauma care will provide this update. Topics include:

  • “From Baghdad to Boston: Lessons Learned in Mass Casualty Incidents,”
  • “Emergency Intraosseous Access,”
  • “Combat Casualty Lessons Learned: Applications for Civilian Prehospital Care,”
  • “Bullets and Bodies: The Forensics of Gunshot Wounds,”
  • “Rural Trauma Team Integration,”
  • “Pediatric Trauma Care Update,” and
  • “Toxicology Issues in the ED”

This will be an intensive, one-day program detailing accepted guidelines for the management of the trauma patient. Attendance will provide access to continuing medical education to physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers and offer a forum for discussion related to care of the trauma patient.

For more information, call (325) 657-5289 or (325) 657-8372. To register online, visit Same-day registration begins at 7:30 am.

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