Adult Enrichment Center Struggles to Keep Doors Open


Adults in need of a monitored social environment may soon run out of options, as the Adult Enrichment Center (AEC) struggles to keep the doors open. 

The center, which specializes in providing social activities and field trips to adults that require surpervision, changed its name in 2007 from the Adult Day Care to AEC and has since experienced it's fair share of hardships. Recently, the expense of repairing a major water leak has put a financial strain on the non-profit organization, and a lack of adequate funding could mean the facility will soon have to shutter its doors.

"We are pretty much able to pay the day to day expenses, but if anything extra comes up, like the plumbing, that's what really hurts us." Jeannie Lang, AEC Executive Director explained.

Those extra expenses have deeply cut into the budget, Lang explained, thus affecting the AEC's ability to maintain the program that attracts their visitors. Most of the employees double up on jobs around the center just to make sure it runs smoothly, and purchasing new appliances like a dishwasher have been scrapped from the plans due to lack of funds.

Lang said that without the help of the public, the programs at the AEC could go under, leaving the city without an option for adults with conditions that prevent them from enjoying activities on their own.

Of the activities promoted by AEC, crafts, twice-monthly field trips, therapy pet visits, bluegrass band sessions and square dancing are some of the most popular, and the programs have been well received by those who attend.

"I don't know what I would do or where I would go if I did not come here," beamed Margarita ,a long time client of the AEC. "The food is nice, the people are friendly, it's a joy." 

The AEC has been active in San Angelo since June of 1987 and is open to adults aged 18 and up. Tranportation directly to and from the clients' houses is provided by TRANSA. San Angelo has designated two buses especially for this purpose. Clients can also be dropped off; the doors open at 7:30 a.m. and close at 5:30 p.m.  In some cases, transportation to morning doctor appointments is provided.
For more on the Adult Enrichment Center, or to make a donation, swing by at 6146 Appaloosa Trail.



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