Gen Z Drinking Less Alcohol Than Older Generations, Study Shows


SAN ANGELO, TX – A new study reveals that Gen Z adults in the United States are consuming significantly less alcohol than older generations.

According to data from the International Wine and Spirits Record (IWSR), about 64 percent of legal-drinking-age Gen Zers reported not consuming alcohol in the six months leading up to May.

Generation Z, typically defined as those born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, is showing a notable decline in alcohol consumption compared to millennials, who were born between the early 1980s and mid-1990s.

The study finds that Gen Z adults consume approximately 20 percent less alcohol than millennials.

Researchers attribute this decline to growing concerns about health and a strong desire to maintain a positive image, particularly on social media platforms.

This trend is not just limited to the U.S.; the IWSR report indicates that the same pattern is observed globally.

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CGM5, Sat, 08/31/2024 - 08:58

My guess would be the advent of legalized gummies. No DWIs, no marijuana smell and much less expensive.

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