Pecan Pie is the Best Thanksgiving Dessert. Prove Me Wrong.


AUSTIN – Pecan pie holds a special place on Texas Thanksgiving tables as the official state pie. Whether it's the rich flavors of pecan pie, the sweet crunch of candied pecans, or the nutty addition to sweet potato casseroles, pecans have become a holiday staple in the Lone Star State, all thanks to the mighty pecan trees.

According to the Texas Forest Service, these trees not only star on Thanksgiving plates but also hold significant importance in Texas. For over a century, pecan trees have held the esteemed title of Texas' state tree, with pecans being the sole commercially produced nut in the state.

As Texans gather to celebrate Thanksgiving and count their blessings, it's a fitting time to acknowledge the invaluable presence of pecan trees. Their contributions to the state go beyond their delicious taste, enriching both Texas landscapes and palates alike.

Is pecan pie the best dessert for Thanksgiving? Let us know in the comments. 

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Candied yams is honestly better(should be a dessert not a side dish). Correct me if I'm wrong but there's almost none left at the end of the meal.

I'd say pickled jalapeños are the best Thanksgiving dessert. Tamales are the best Christmas gift. ? 

This year's tamales are a special batch made from the flesh of the ocelot, of the puma, and yes, the mighty jaguar.

The best tamales are Rocky Mountain Oyster tamales, and a grand accompaniment is Chicken Lip Soup.  Chile pequin salsa makes for an invigorating addition to the tamales.

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