Nasty Business: 'Roachiest' Cities List Might Make Your Skin Crawl


SAN ANGELO, TX — Everyone's favorite night time creature is making headlines. Can you guess which cities top the list for being the “roachiest’ cities in Texas? Did San Angelo made the list?

When you turn the lights on at night and you see thousands of your little friends scattering across the walls and across your refrigerator and out from under your couch, it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling that you're never truly alone, you're surrounded by your apartment pets. 

The Top 10 cities on the roachiest  list include the following:

  1. Houston
  2. San Antonio
  3. Tampa
  4. Phoenix
  5. Las Vegas
  6. Miami
  7. Atlanta
  8. Burmingham
  9. Dallas
  10. Oklahoma City
Giant Roach

Giant Roach


Houston, We Have a Roach Problem, according to Pest Gnome.

H-Town comes in at number one of the cockroachiest cities in America with 37% of homes showing signs of these pests in the past 12 months. They claim that the cause of all those bugs is the heat and humidity. People hate the swelter, but roaches thrive in these conditions. 

Pat Joiner from The Pest Gnome explains that the two most common types of cockroaches in Houston are the big, brown, and flying American cockroach (aka palmetto bug) and the kitchen, pantry, and sink-dwelling German cockroach. 

How to keep these pests from invading your home? Seal points of entry, don’t leave crumbs anywhere, and fix any leaky pipes. When Raid and roach motels aren’t doing the job, call in the cavalry. With roaches being such a big problem in the Bayou City, the pest control industry is thriving here.

So your top Texas roachiest places to visit next summer are Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas. San Angelo doesn't even come close fortunately, that is unless we are compiling a list of the most ‘water buggiest’ cities.

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Good to see a homie featured in the headlines. He finally got his record label off the ground and these days he's hanging with the hard hitters.

He's big on activism and giving back to the community, though. He's all about animal rights. Visits people from his old hood at home on the regular. Donated a lot to the H-town holocaust museum. Said he felt that.

If you get a visit from Giant Roach, tell him "what's up."

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