Buffalo Soldier Heritage Day Kicks Off Sunday at Ft. Concho.


SAN ANGELO, TX – The Buffalo Soldier Heritage Day is set for Sunday at Fort Concho.

According to the City of San Angelo's Public Information Office, on Feb. 23, the Fort Concho Buffalo Soldier Heritage Day program will be held from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 28, at the Fort Concho Stables Hall, located at 210 Henry O’Flipper St. This year’s program theme is “Buffalo Soldiers and the Frontier Army: Men, Mission and Myth.”  

The program is free to all and is co-sponsored by the Fort Concho Foundation and the San Angelo chapter of the NAACP. Masks will be required for all attendees and social distancing will be in effect. Please note that the Buffalo Soldier Living History Training Class scheduled for Feb. 27 has been canceled.

Henry Crawford, retired curator of history at the Museum of Texas Tech University, will be the main presenter. A 30-year veteran of living history events, Crawford is a noted buffalo soldier reenactor, researcher and consultant who has appeared in many commercial television and video productions. 

In its historic era (1867-89) Fort Concho was served by African American soldiers of all four black regiments, the 24th and 25th infantries and the 9th and 10th cavalries. The fort served as the headquarters for the 10th Cavalry Regiment between 1875 and 1882. Overall, half of the soldiers serving at Fort Concho were black.

For more information, please contact Fort Concho at (325) 481-2646 or visit fortconcho.com.

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