SAN ANGELO, TX — Twin Peaks Restaurants' Annual Bikini Contest was held at The Bomb Factory in Dallas on Tuesday, June 26. Miss Twin Peaks San Angelo, Leslie Sansom, competed against 81 other Twin Peaks women from around the country.
Sansom, 19, was voted the 2018 Miss San Angelo and she was chosen to compete in the Annual Bikini Contest to represent San Angelo Twin Peaks.
Leslie has been working at Twin Peaks San Angelo since November and she is a student at Angelo State University as a marketing major.
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“I had so much fun,” said Leslie. “It was such an amazing experience, but I was a little nervous at first.”
Leslie explained the ins and outs of the competition; “we were first fitted in red bikinis and that is what we started the competition in.
We came out and walked the stage then went backstage after introductions and changed into our own neon bikinis, which was my favorite. After that we went backstage again and changed into a neon party outfit or rave wear. Different groups had different color themes and my group’s color was turquois.
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When we went backstage after the neon rave wear, we changed back into our red bikinis.
Miss Popular, Miss Revenge, and Miss Congeniality was announced and so was Top 10.”
The Top 10 contestants were given three questions on stage.
“The questions were probably the hardest part because some of the questions were things I hadn’t thought of yet, like Where do you see yourself in 10 years? and if you won the lottery what is the first thing you would buy?” said Leslie. “But overall it was just an amazing experience.”
Leslie was selected as one of the Top 10 contestants and she was dressed in a neon lumberjack outfit to answer questions on stage and do a final walk through.
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The finalists then went back to change into their red bikinis and that is when the Top Three were announced.
“I am so happy about being Top Ten,” said Leslie. “I was competing against some of the most beautiful, confident girls I’ve ever seen, but they were all so nice.
“I will be so much more prepared next year. I had no idea we can go as big as some girls did. There is only up from here.”
Leslie Sansom is a Twin Peaks bartender and is set to graduate in 2020 from Angelo State. Her Instagram name is leslie_sansom.
"I had such great support from my friends and co-workers here at Twin Peaks. I couldn't ask for a better group of people to work with."
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Listed By: Cajun Texan
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PermalinkListed By: Doctor Ding-bat
Oh how exciting and what an honor to bring home to San Angelo. Might make more sense if we were in Reno Nevada maybe. Good thing she's not my daughter. This would make me so proud of a daughter I raised that I'd have her in a court of law, emancipating her and leaving her the ability to choose whatever new last name that she wanted to be known by........
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PermalinkListed By: Lares Deces
I caught a few minutes of a TV show, in which people in long distance relationships decide if they should move forward with marriage. One particular couple was having issues, as the female half is an aspiring Colombian model and her fiancé is a castrated American snowflake.
As the young woman and her photographer tossed ideas at each other and discussed technical details of her next shoot, all the neurotic little eunuch could fixate on, was maintaining the all-American child-like cringe reflex and public display of aversion, to anything remotely sexual in nature. You know the type, the hovering, insufferable moron who's entire sense of virtue can be shattered with the slip of a nipple.
In Latin America, beauty and sex appeal are virtues. Colombian women aren't falling to pieces over flirtatious banter and men aren't on pins and needles wondering if it's ok to engage in it. Their “cultura de belleza” is a symbol of vitality, celebrated with pride -- as it should be.
I'm guessing mismatched pairs are what makes the TV show such a draw. The American guy was the typical Beta male millennial, with the fish out of water demeanor. She's a sexually appealing, free spirited model. The contrasts spoke volumes.
There's a sickness ingrained within various segments of modern American culture. We've taken the very natural and noble impulses of human sexuality and inverted them into personality flaws and criminal acts. This learned self-hatred is the defect of a masochist, a flagellator, who with his vulgar, public displays self-denial and agony, elicits admiration from his idiot peer group.
There are far worse things one could be, than a celebrated beautiful woman, and far more harmful appetites, than to desire one.
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PermalinkListed By: Nathan Schmidt
You said there's a "sickness ingrained within various segments of modern American culture. We've taken the very natural and noble impulses of human sexuality and inverted them into personality flaws and criminal acts."
That statement paint's the picture as this being a problem, specific to America, and a new problem as well.
Neither of those is true. With all of the cultural research you've done to tout your "religious pluralism" article on Live, I'd figure that you would have realized that these are not value's that were "made in America"... They didn't even hone their chops here... So why you would want to paint it that way, I don't know. Just saying that it's wrong.
Once again, your wording is that of someone who wishes to pass off their "theories" as fact and truth, but your viewpoint on the origin's and practices of sexuality seem to be based on American perception only, definitely media driven and without historical context... My worldview has no problem answering the world's question's about sex, but I doubt you can come up with even a fairly credible answer to them out of your own.
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PermalinkListed By: Lares Deces
The meat of the issue lies in cultural prejudices, here OR abroad, whether their roots are religious or otherwise. Human biology has no theories or media driven perceptions. I'm speaking as a cog in the wheel, not the machine and surely not the inventor.
I don't need a subscribed worldview, of this brand or another to attempt to answer the world's questions regarding sex, nor could I ever be as pretentious to claim that I've been personally handed down the universal guidebook of life's "do's and don'ts".
I know the human experience, sexuality being one of it's components. I know that when certain thoughts or urges arise, they aren't "filthy" or "perverted" (though sometimes pretending they are makes them more fun), rather biological impulses, that for all of your understanding and belief, would claim that "God" made me this way.
To feel any aversion towards one's sexuality is just as nonsensical as feeling guilty for sneezing, or the need for "Confession" after a bout of gas.
If one wanted to engage in an exchange about biological functions and mating rituals, I could handle that. If the next person wants to convince me that my lifestyle and sexual practices makes "God" blush -- I'll pass.
On monogamy, it's great, if it works for you. Human beings were never cut that way, though try as we might to fit that mold. It's all ego driven, for better or worse (e.g. "I'm a one woman man, and my feigned indignation to all things overtly sexual must make me special".). One could spend a fraction of the effort by simply sipping their favorite beverages with their pinky fingers extended outward.
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PermalinkListed By: Nathan Schmidt
Maybe the culture prejudice is one of defiance toward God's design, one that we can see in biology... Biology doesn't answer the question of how many partner's we can engage in sex, but God does. What biology does show us is that a man is made for a woman... We can clearly see that deviation from that pattern interrupt's the intended purpose of procreation. Does it not? So if God say's that a man is made for a woman, and biology agree's that design is there... What should we say when faced with that evidence? The two go hand in hand without disagreement. As soon as one say's that they can have sex with whoever they want, that agreement is broken... Although we have free will to follow God's design or not, that does not mean that humanity was "designed" to have multiple partners.
As far as biological impulses, of course they exist... We can see that in biology as well... What about the guy who has a desire for a girl he never talked to, and on that "natural" urge, goes and forces himself on her. Do you believe that's natural? If not, I would like to know how that make's sense, in your unsubscribed view. How do you answer for those whose urges differ from yours? If we operate like animal's do, how could it be deemed "wrong" for someone to "take" sex from another?
The insinuation that monogamy is "self righteous" expression that should be thrown away or condemned is preposterous.
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PermalinkListed By: Lares Deces
The hang-ups and phobias about sex, in this place and time, specifically, are the putrid remnants of our Puritanical roots. What doctrine or belief system do you think early man troubled himself with, for instance, about 2 million years ago, before or around the time he learned to fabricate tools? Who was there to instill a sense of shame, and what became of him when he died?
Your point of reference for these questions, and many other topics is a 2000 year old religious doctrine. Put into perspective, this is but a minuscule amount of time, within the 2 million year history of our closest ancestors. The fact that many "believers" don't believe the Earth was around 2 million years ago consequently limits the areas of inquiry on this subject to begin with. Like most discussions with the fanatical and devout, this one, too, is potentially a lost cause.
I never said monogamy was self-righteous. Monogamy works for many people. I stated that I'd be more concerned about self-righteous PERSONS, attempting to brow beat my adult child into a life long psychological complex, just so they can blow their fanatical load for the day. However, being that they're MY child, I'm quite certain they'll know how to handle such vermin.
As much as you'd like to make this a religious debate, I'm not biting. We've been there, done that. The "sickness" I referred to, is indeed rooted in religious prejudice, however I'm more interested in exploring any possible remedies than debating the need for a this chronic infection.
I see you've read some of my pieces here on LIVE!. Thank you for taking the time, Nate. One piece in particular dealt with the criminalization of flirting. I wrote that about 4 years ago, when I began noticing the change of the tide -- enter 2017...the "me too" charade. Slowly but surely, we are being stripped away of everything that makes us human, dare I say a movement that rivals even the most deviant religious doctrines contrived.
What's the first thing you do, when you want to modify behavior, that isn't necessarily harmful to anyone, rather "unsavory" to some? You push the message via public opinion, create movements and protests in hopes of someday legislating your morality and imposing it on the public: You call the man flying a confederate flag a "racist", maybe make a far reach and correlate his flag with a "hate crime". You squeal "sex offender" at the guy at the office who made an cheesy, yet harmless remark about a woman's attire. The attack on free speech is another example we see daily. No one's put anything into law, yet, but the twisted, tortured vernacular we're being force fed, for fear of losing our jobs or social standing is a crime in of itself.
Of course people will pick and choose which rights and liberties are a necessity, and those rights and liberties which others cherish, but WE find repugnant, we'll assign pejorative labels to, and with any luck lock away or ostracize those who cling to them. The Left will sympathize with the homosexual who couldn't get a wedding cake with two male figurines, and then call me a NAZI because I support Trump. The Right will be damned if the government tells them they can't own this firearm or that, but while you're around, Big you mind helping us keep the porn shops outside of the city limits...or at least hang the Lord's Prayer in every classroom??
In short, it's become a very slippery slope from what's unpopular for SOME, to what SHOULD be legal or madated for ALL. Take a look at the neurotic automatons out Universities are churning out. You can't fart on these campuses without some group of 20-something zombies wanting to lynch you. These people will someday be running the country, and with all the outcries of "sexualizing", contributing to the "rape culture", the vilification of flirting and the vitriolic hatred against free thinking, we could be setting the stage for a modern day Dark Age.
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PermalinkListed By: Nathan Schmidt
You did it again Lars... You said "remnants of "our" Puritanical roots". Painting the picture as having began in much more recent history, rather than giving these values their proper place in time, "which was much further back than our nation's beginning's."
You use "million's of years as a point of debate, and then shut down the point, based on the fact that Christian's disagree with the earth being that old. You call it a "lost cause" to discuss these thing's because I won't entertain million's of years... I'm sorry, but beside's believing that Jesus is who he claimed to be, and did what he claimed to have done, I'm also a reasonable and logical man, and when the "science" that is used to "prove" million's of years breaks down to being nothing more than "circular reasoning"... I have a problem with that theory at that point.
I know that if you have to admit that there is a God out there that you will meet some day and be responsible to, that idea upset's you... But there is no need to be so hateful, I don't remember seeing in the news or throughout modern daily life that Christianity is thrown in your face, and I also don't remember anyone forcing you to believe it... It's like you want to talk about your idea's but don't want the one's you disagree with to be talked about... Seriously, you want to silence me by being rude about God, and those who believe in Him, and claim that somehow, we're ruining your life experience... Never have I ever found somebody that is so upset by something they claim doesn't even exist.
Aside from that, both side's in life are trying to effect change to the world to better suit their desire's, am I right? You want pot and prostitutes to be legal, I want them to remain illegal. Either way, imposition is occurring, don't you think? It's not like you can't have sex without a prostitute, or get a buzz without pot... I'm not supporting babies being ripped from their mother's womb's and imposing that on America buddy... Following your logic, there's many worse things I could be doing in life than sharing about the Truth and Love of Jesus Christ. Why does that upset you so much?
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PermalinkListed By: Lares Deces
The time span regarding modern man's history on Earth was but one example of why we hit these roadblocks in our exchanges, I'm sure you're used to these by now, however. While the debate of the Earth's age is argued, even by men of reason, the estimations based on known geologic and radiometric dating is around 4 billion -- nowhere near the 6-10 thousand years in which we were purportedly living along side dinosaurs.
When I mentioned our Puritanical roots, I referred to the moment in history which began around the time the first colonists and missionaries told the Natives to cover their dirty parts.
Christians don't bother me. I really don't know enough Christians to be bothered by them, honestly. There are a few I've met who who's introduction into a religious discussion is "...well I believe in God, but..", which usually means they believe in lip service, for the sake of congeniality. There are also the "I'm spiritual...but not religious" types. These nonchalant, aloof Christians, they can and actually have made great friends.
As tactful as I've tried to be, there's really no roundabout way to tell you that you indeed come off as fanatical, though you probably mean well.
Leave Jesus on the cross and roll solo for a change.
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PermalinkListed By: Nathan Schmidt
No thanks... I've been Mr. Aloof in the past, never got anywhere being that guy. "Why sure, I'll ignore that what you say and do goes against the God of all creation, and we can all get along without discussion."
You point to geology and radiometric dating again. It's funny at this point... You actually think you've got something solid to stand by... Billion's of years is a "fanatical" viewpoint, that requires much more faith than I am capable of.
The fact that every time a piece of the same rock, or fossil is "dated", it fall's under vastly different time frames is all I need to throw away that notion. If radiometric dating was measurable, repeatable, and predictable, hard science that was accurate and consistent, then it would nail down a date in a repeatable, narrow window of years. It doesn't do that.
If it was such a great method, then why do scientists need to "reject" some of the data that they get from "dating" a rock?
If radiometric dating really was reliable, it would be compatible with the external, field evidence as well, and we can see that's not the case, when we carbon date rock from a "layer" that supposedly took "million's" of years to form, (That's the date we get from carbon testing it) but the location we took that rock from, has a tree, growing up between layers. Are you telling me we just found the oldest, and most hardcore tree on earth, because it sat in one spot for "million's" of years and was never "eroded"? No sir! That tree is sitting, stuck in rapidly deposited layers.
Why do we find fossil's of aquatic life on all of the world's tallest mountains? If there were no global flood... Every culture and civilization in the world has an account of a catastrophic flood, whether it's worldwide, or local, that kills off all of humanity, but the few that were chosen to be saved. Coincidence? I think not. When was the last time you actually reviewed these arguments in science? geology? biology? Instead of just taking a headline and the text in bold and running with it?
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PermalinkListed By: Cajun Texan
I went to, copied the note, pasted here......☻
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PermalinkListed By: Nathan Schmidt
Speaks for itself...
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PermalinkListed By: Nathan Schmidt
Beauty will fade, attention will always go to the newer "year model", when you live your life based on your sexuality. No matter what road's people choose, we all will have to answer for them, whether it's the poly-amorous model or the Christian-conservative who believe's in monogamy. The only difference is that some will be eternally forced to endure suffering and separation from God, while other's will be justified by Jesus grace and in heaven forever.
I wonder if that's how you would feel about this subject if it was your daughter slipping a little nip Lares. Or maybe, prostituting for her pimp. Oh, I forgot, those aren't the realities right, she'll work in a "proper brothel" won't she?
Time to get real about the subject, you are just as easily swayed by the media's portrayal of innocent, sexual celebration as I am by the word of God concerning the topic.
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PermalinkListed By: Lares Deces
That "documentary" is a propaganda piece by one of those "ministries" and outreach rackets. They sounded familiar, but I had to look them up.
Outfits like these fleece their followers online, with kickstarter-like fund drives. They pick whatever contemporary boogieman is riling up the sheep, and create fluff like that to make the case for their necessity. They hand out a few Bibles and scout out locations to establish a permanent presence -- almost always a charity or ministry program that relies on monetary "gifts".
I saw they raised well over $20K for that piece, on kickstarter alone. That's a pretty nice haul for trolling street people.
If I had a daughter who participated in adult entertainment...? I suppose this is where I'm supposed to contradict myself: "not daddy's girl, not daddy's princess....maybe those other girls, but certainly not mine."
I'd probably be more concerned about her being vulnerable to self-righteous assholes who'd scold her that "she's got some answerin' to do", because she gave a lap dance.
On thing, however, Nate . . the sex trade and arguments regarding it's legality are entirely different discussions from this one.
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PermalinkListed By: Cajun Texan
I've remained virtually silent on this one, but I'd like to make a comment or two. It seems this rant has once again morphed into a Lares/Nate morality and religious debate that, from past experience, will persuade neither that the other has a viable position. Otherwise known as an exercise in futility.
But I would like to point out just how far this discussion has veered from the original topic. Ms. Sansom, no doubt a beautiful young woman, was only competing in a bikini contest. Just how this turned into a sex worker comparison has me shaking my head. Ms. Sansom works as a server in a reasonably respectable bar/restaurant, albeit one that has a rather skimpy dress code, but hardly an occupation that can be associated with prostitution in any way. Hopefully this gal will find other successes in life derived from something other than wearing revealing attire, but that's not really any of our it?
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PermalinkListed By: sanglo expat
Cajun, mon ami...
As you frequently are, you are spot on. The tendency of some minds to make the egregious leaps in logic to which you alluded continues to astound me. If there is moral decay afoot nowadays, it is to be found befouling the halls of Congress and the Oval Office.
Battle on, mon frere.
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PermalinkListed By: Cajun Texan
Not a battle, more of a mediation....... Those two just won't give it
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