San Angelo ISD Board to Consider Bus Purchase, Academic Progress and Policy Updates at Monday Meeting


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees will meet Monday evening to consider a range of items, including the purchase of a new coachliner bus, academic performance updates, and several policy revisions.

The regular meeting is scheduled for 5:45 p.m. on March 24 at the SAISD Administration Building, 1621 University Ave.

Among the action items is the proposed purchase of a 2025 Ultra Coachliner bus. 

According to information from the district, San Angelo ISD currently operates the bus fleet with a projected life span of 15 years or 250,000 miles. To keep the school bus fleet operating in an efficient and safe manner, the district needs to yearly approve the purchase of buses as part of our replacement cycle.

"Our Vanhool travel buses now have a considerable amount of hours/mileage on them and need to be replaced when taken out of service," the information states. "Our recent purchase of two Bluebird travel buses will replace two Vanhools that are were no longer in service. We now have another Vanhool that is not currently in service and when in service, is only able to be used for in-town travel. The purchase of this Ultra Coachliner will be a replacement for the Vanhool soon to be taken out of service. This Coachliner can be in-district in the next 30 days."

The administration recommends buying the 2025 Ultra Coachliner SE 102 student travel bus from National Bus Sales with TIPS pricing of $373,550.00.

Trustees will also hear the Middle of the Year Academic Progress Report and a legislative update as part of the meeting’s information items.

Under consent items, the board will review donations, minutes from previous meetings, and the quarterly investment report ending Feb. 28, 2025. Trustees are also expected to vote on bids related to child nutrition department supplies and trade services.

Other action items include certification of instructional materials for the 2025–2026 school year, a transition plan for open education resources, and the superintendent’s recommendation for administrator contracts.

In addition, the board will consider a sewer line replacement bid for Oakes Street and updates to TASB Board Policy 124.

The meeting will begin with a recognition of student and staff achievements, including Central High School and Lake View High School students selected as Texas All-State musicians, Central athletes, and the district’s communications team for TSPRA awards.

A finance/pre-agenda workshop is scheduled for April 14, and the next regular board meeting is set for April 21.

You can find the agenda and more information items by clicking here. 

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