San Angelo ISD’s Proposition A Explained in Simple Terms


SAN ANGELO, TX — Voters will soon decide if they want to approve a proposition that will generate $6 million in additional funds for San Angelo ISD.

Proposition A would, among other benefits, raise starting teachers’ salaries to $50,000 per year and put an armed officer on every campus.

What’s the cost for taxpayers?

It’s essentially a tax switch that is being requested.

State law allows school districts, with voter approval, to raise property taxes by 3 cents per $100 of property valuation. The state then matches the revenue generated on about a 2-to-1 scale.

However, San Angelo wouldn’t see an overall tax rate increase, because SAISD has reduced its Interest and Sinking (I&S) portion of the tax rate by 3 cents to offset it.

“The local taxpayers would pay the exact same $2 million, and we’d get an additional $4 million from the state, so that’s an extra $6 million in the budget to allow for us to make these raises and do these things that the state legislature has not done for us,” SAISD school board president Taylor Kingman said.

What’s the benefit of voting against Prop A?

The tax rate would actually decrease by 3 cents per $100 of property valuation if the prop failed.

For a $300,000 home, that would result in a savings of about $90 per year.

So San Angelo taxpayers won’t be paying more if Prop A passes, but they would save some money if it fails.

Why didn’t SAISD previously take advantage of this state funding?

Kingman said part of the reason this course of action wasn’t pursued before was because it would have required an overall tax rate increase.

Due in part to SAISD refinancing its bond debt in 2020, money was freed up that allowed the school district to lower its I&S rate by 3 cents, making this proposal possible.

SAISD Superintendent Gives Thoughts on Prop A

Superintendent Christopher Moran said the struggling economy has put SAISD in a position to try and find new revenue.

“The board of trustees is really looking for any mechanism to generate more funds for the district to meet the needs of the kids and to be competitive,” Moran said. 

“We want to recruit and retain great people, and we want to make sure that we keep our campuses safe with armed officers on every campus, and both of those are a struggle. There’s a teacher shortage in the state and nation, and it’s not a secret that hiring police officers is tough.”

SAISD is the third-largest employer in Tom Green County and employs about 1,800 people. The funds from Prop A would specifically support teachers, librarians, nurses, athletic trainers, behavioral support staff and other related roles.

Among other benefits from Prop A would be a $2,500 pay increase for teachers, and offering all employees outside the teacher category either a market adjustment or a 4% raise, whichever is higher.

Moran said SAISD has budgeted conservatively in the event Prop A does not pass.

“We didn’t want to overextend ourselves, and we’re in a position to operate pass or fail,” Moran said.

The last day to register to vote is Oct. 7. Early voting will be held from Oct. 21 to Nov. 1. Election Day is Nov. 5.

For a more detailed breakdown of the finances of Prop A, read our story from Wednesday here.

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