San Angelo ISD Board Approves Superintendent’s Goals for 2024-25 School Year


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved six key goals for the 2024-25 school year, proposed by Superintendent Dr. Christopher Moran, during a board meeting Monday night.

The goals, which passed in a 7-0 vote, focus on improving academics, safety, recruitment, and school facilities.

They include creating a "robust" summer academic program for elementary students by 2025 and increasing the percentage of students meeting growth measures in NWEA MAP testing by up to 10%.

Dr. Moran acknowledged that these academic goals are ambitious but essential to drive excellence across the district.

“We want to challenge our kids and create a system that supports our teachers,” Moran said during the meeting. He cited the importance of setting lofty academic expectations, even though reaching them may be difficult.

The approved goals also aim to ensure law enforcement coverage on all campuses during instructional days and to conduct a comprehensive pay systems review by April 2025 to recruit and retain high-quality staff.

Dr. Moran added that the district plans to present a bond for school facilities by June 2025 and will hold a Voter Approval Tax Rate Election this November to potentially generate $6 million in additional funding.

Board President Dr. Taylor Kingman emphasized that the goals were designed to be measurable, allowing the board to assess the district’s progress at the end of the 2024-25 school year.

“We can actually, at the end of 2024-25, have data points to say, did we do this or did we not?” Kingman said.

Dr. Moran concluded by noting that "checkpoints" would be scheduled throughout the year to ensure progress and accountability on the listed goals.


  • Student Engagement
    "SAISD will develop district and campus support structures that positively impact student engagement and outcomes for all students."
  • Culture and Communication
    "SAISD will cultivate trusting partnerships to support the hopes and dreams of our students and staff."
  • Innovative Learning Spaces
    "SAISD will provide efficient, safe, and innovative learning spaces that promote student achievement."
  • Click here to find the official goals. 

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