San Jacinto Elementary Main Building Deemed 'Unsafe' Following Structural Assessment


SAN ANGELO, TX - Main Building A at San Jacinto Elementary School has been declared unsafe after "considerable damage" was identified, according to a report from San Angelo ISD. 

The damage is believed to have been caused by seismic activity experienced in the San Angelo area in late July. A site evaluation by a structural engineer recommended not utilizing the building and removing essential items, according to information from San Angelo ISD. 

Following the evaluation, the San Angelo Fire Marshal’s office met with the San Angelo ISD facilities director to examine the damage to the structure, the report states. 

"The facilities director was then directed to place unsafe placards on the building as an indicator that the building was unsafe to enter," the information states. 

The City of San Angelo will now be reviewing all information to determine the next steps related to the outcome of the building.

We reached out to the school district regarding the facility last month and this is what they said.

"At this time, we are unsure as to how long the building will remain closed," a statement from the school district read. "A thorough evaluation of the building is completed. Ensuring the safety of our students and staff is our top priority, and we will provide updates as more information becomes available." 

A presentation of the facility damage assessment is scheduled as a report-only item for the San Angelo ISD Board meeting on September 16, 2024.

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