College Students Spending Thousands on Dorm Room Makeovers


SAN ANGELO, TX - Some college students, particularly in southern states, are hiring interior designers to transform their dorm rooms at costs reaching thousands of dollars.

According to the National Retail Federation, college students are now spending nearly double the amount they did a decade ago on dorm furnishings. This year, spending has hit $87 billion, equating to an average of $1,365 per student. While this is a decline from 2022’s $94 billion, it marks a significant increase from 2014’s $48 billion.

This trend reflects a growing desire for personalized, comfortable living spaces that resemble home, moving away from the standard budget setup students once used.

Interior designers are meeting the demand for luxury dorm rooms, with services costing up to $10,000 per room. For example, Dallas-based designer Ginger Curtis of Urbanology Designs charges between $7,000 and $8,000 for custom furniture, murals, and luxury lighting. High-end services can reach up to $5,000 per student for a full dorm makeover.

The trend gained momentum after the COVID-19 pandemic, as students sought to create more comfortable spaces and shared their dorm transformations on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

The move away from budget-friendly furniture has also gained attention. 

Despite this, some parents and students are opting for a do-it-yourself approach, using budget options from stores like Target and Marshalls.

With demand continuing to rise, some designers report already receiving bookings for the 2025 fall semester.

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