San Angelo ISD Welcomes New Executive Director of Communications


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo Independent School District welcomed Shannon Schwartz as the new Executive Director of Communications on Wednesday. SAISD made the announcement on its website and said that Schwartz will join the SAISD Communications team on July 22, 2024.

Schwartz brings more than six years of experience in Education Communications. She most recently served as the Digital Media Coordinator for Lubbock ISD and previously held positions at Texas Tech University as the Assistant Director of Athletics Communications and the Athletics Media Coordinator for Sam Houston University.

SAISD Executive Director of Communications Shannon Schwartz

SAISD Executive Director of Communications Shannon Schwartz


Mrs. Schwartz graduated from Texas State University with a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications and then obtained a Master of Professional Studies in Sports Management from Missouri State University.

A San Angelo native, she expressed her excitement to SAISD about returning to her hometown. “San Angelo is an incredible city, and my family and I are excited to return to our hometown," she said to SAISD. "I am thrilled and humbled to join San Angelo ISD and to lead a strong communications team. Our responsibility to foster trust and transparency within our community is paramount, and I can't wait to share the incredible stories of our students and staff while forming meaningful relationships with the people of San Angelo.”

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