UTEP Professor Talks Argentina & the Dollar at ASU


SAN ANGELO, TX — Dr. Nicolas Cachanosky, director of the Center for Free Enterprise at the University of Texas at El Paso, will give a special guest presentation at Angelo State University on Tuesday, April 30, at 5:30 p.m. in the Cavness Science Building, 2460 Dena Drive.

Sponsored by the Texas Tech University Free Market Institute at Angelo State University, Cachanosky's presentation will take place in Room 100 of the Cavness Building and is free and open to the public.

In his presentation titled "Why and How to Dollarize Argentina," Cachanosky will deliver an insightful talk on the case for dollarization in Argentina. As one of the authors behind the proposal endorsed by Argentine President Javier Milei, Cachanosky will delve into the reasons why this economic strategy is crucial for Argentina's stability and growth. Discover the hows and whys behind the call to embrace the U.S. dollar and revolutionize Argentina's economic landscape.

The Dollarization of Argentina

The Dollarization of Argentina

(Credit: Angelo State University)

Also an associate professor of economics and finance at UTEP, Cachanosky is a Senior Fellow at the American Institute of Economic Research (AIER) and a Fellow of the Friedman-Hayek Center for the Study of a Free Society at Universidad del CEMA in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He also serves as associate editor of the Southern Economic Journal, and he is past president of the Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE) and former director of the Mont Pelerin Society (MPS).

The TTU Free Market Institute at ASU aims to advance research and teaching related to the free enterprise system, and donor support helps the institute continue its speaker series and student programming. In celebration of the institute's five years on the ASU campus, an anonymous donor has pledged to match all future monetary gifts for the institute up to $250,000. Gifts can be made online at angelo.edu/fmi or by contacting the ASU Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 325-942-2116.

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