SAN ANGELO, TX - The results of the Christmas Recycled Art Contest were unveiled on Tuesday, Jan. 9, during the Keep San Angelo Beautiful Jr Ambassador Youth Advisory Council Meeting.
This competition, aimed at promoting sustainability, required participants to craft their masterpieces using a minimum of 75 percent recycled Christmas materials.
The creations were restricted to dimensions no greater than 12” x 12” and were expected to convey the theme of “Recycle in the New Year.”
The winners’ celebration will be on Wednesday, Jan. 10, at the N. Branch Library.
You can view the winning recycled art pieces up close as they are on display at the North Chadbourne Library, 3001 N Chadbourne until January 30.
Elementary Division Winners (Pictured):
1st Place: Holden - Hidden Treasures
2nd Place: Marco - Recyclton's Recycle Center
3rd Place: Kamden - The Gift of Recycling
Honorable Mention: Cash - New Year, More Recycling
Middle School Division (Not Pictured):
1st Place Winner: Eva - Leaf the Trees Be

1st Place: Holden - Hidden Treasures

2nd Place: Marco - Recyclton's Recycle Center

3rd Place: Kamden - The Gift of Recycling

Middle School Division: 1st Place Winner: Eva - Leaf the Trees Be

Honorable Mention: Cash - New Year, More Recycling
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