Angelo State Psych Doc Publishes New Book on 'Big Liars'


SAN ANGELO, TX — Angelo State University announced on Thursday, August 31, that Dr. Drew Curtis of the ASU psychology faculty has published his fourth book, "Big Liars: What Psychological Science Tells Us About Lying and How You Can Avoid Being Duped," through American Psychological Association (APA) Publishing.

Published as part of the APA LifeTools Series, the book investigates the science behind "big liars" - those rare people who use lies as their principal way of navigating life. The official description of the book states:

"Most people are mostly honest, most of the time. And there aren't that many big, pants-on-fire liars in the population overall. But just a few big liars can have an outsized impact on the people around them - ruining personal relationships, bankrupting businesses, and even, when they attain political power, undermining the fabric of society.

Dr. Curtis's Newest Book, "Big Liars"

Dr. Curtis's Newest Book, "Big Liars"

(Credit: Angelo State University)

'Big Liars' explores this small but dangerous group through the lens of psychological science. Fascinating new research gives insight into the nature of dishonesty and dishonest people, explaining who lies, what types of people lie a lot, how often people lie, how big liars are created, how they operate, how we can recognize them, and how we can avoid being victimized by them. This book has crucial implications for mental health treatment, as well as efforts to grapple with the effects of big liars - and their big lies - on social movements and society as a whole."

Curtis and his co-author, Dr. Christian Hart from Texas Woman's University, will host a presentation about the new book on Tuesday, Sept. 5, at 6 p.m. in the ASU Houston Harte University Center, followed by a book signing at 7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, and copies of "Big Liars" will be available for purchase.

Even prior to its official release, the new book had already drawn considerable attention from major news outlets, starting in February with a story on CNN that went nationwide and was also picked up by news media in several other countries, including Australia, India, Kenya, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

"Big Liars" is now available through APA Publishing, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online booksellers.

Dr. Drew Curtis

Dr. Drew Curtis

(Credit: Angelo State University)

An ASU faculty member since 2013, Curtis is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology and director of ASU's nationally recognized counseling psychology graduate programs. He also serves as president of the Psychological Association of Greater West Texas and executive officer for the Southwestern Psychological Association. His three previous books include:

"Pathological Lying: Theory, Research, and Practice" (2022)

"Abnormal Psychology: Myths of 'Crazy'" (2020)

"Foundations of Abnormality: Myths, Misconceptions, and Movies" (2018)

In addition to his books, Curtis has been published in a wide variety of professional journals, including the International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, Journal of Relationships Research, North American Journal of Psychology, American Journal of Psychological Research, International Journal of Health Sciences Education, Journal of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, and others. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Sam Houston State University and his doctorate from Texas Woman's University.

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