Angelo State University Newspaper Op-Ed Over Revealing Clothing Sparks Outrage


SAN ANGELO, TX — Opinions were flying around the Angelo State University Campus this past week after an op-ed questioning the morals of female students over their choice of revealing clothing was published in the university paper. 

On Apr. 18, 2023, an article by student Emilia Hyde was published titled: ‘Gaining Respect Starts With Respecting Yourself.’ The opinion piece started with a disclaimer from the Ram Page stating that the article was submitted by someone not affiliated with the paper. 

In the piece, Emilia told a story about walking along the mall that bisects the ASU campus. While on her stroll, she states that she saw two female students wearing oversized sweatshirts and what appeared to be nothing underneath. 

Emilia would go on to use this situation to push a message telling the young women on campus to show more respect for themselves. Emilia lost her audience though by comparing the young ladies to a certain gardening tool. 

No it was the gardening hoe;  instead it was an old shovel which Emilia stated “It’s been handled, left out in the weather, broken and fixed, lent, lost, found, and even thrown across the yard. We don’t respect the shovel very much. It doesn’t really have a place to belong, a place where it can be shut up and kept safe. It’s just an object, with no significance beyond its physical usefulness as a tool.” 

Comparing the young female students to a rusty old shovel enraged some students on the campus. So much so in fact that the Ram Page was forced to run two more articles: A Ram Page Statement (An Apology Piece to the Students) and another Op-Ed from a student entitled,  "The Harmful Myth Surrounding Clothing and Consent." 

That apparently was not enough for some students though. A protest has been organized by a group of Ram women. It will be held on Apr. 24, 2023 at 12 p.m. on the University Center. Along with the protest, t-shirts have been made saying 'I Am Not a Shovel' on the front and 'Screw Your Opinion' on the back. 

Emilia has been attacked on social media for her opinion as well.  This is a developing story. 

Shirts for Protest at ASU 

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Republicans just angry becasue they keep gettign huge sentances for seditious conspiracy against the United States for january 6th

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