SAN ANGELO – About 120 Angelo State University students will present the results of their academic research during the Undergraduate Research Symposium and the Graduate Student Research Symposium on Friday, April 21, in the Houston Harte University Center, 1910 Rosemont Drive.
The Undergraduate Symposium will run from noon to 1:30 p.m. - and the Graduate Symposium will run from 4-5:30 p.m. Both symposiums will be in the University Center's C.J. Davidson Conference Center and are free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
The projects featured at the symposiums were selected through a competitive application process, and participating students will be available to discuss their projects that were completed under the supervision of faculty mentors.
The Undergraduate Symposium will feature 75 research exhibits by 84 ASU students. The Graduate Symposium will feature 27 research exhibits by 35 ASU graduate students. The participating students represent academic department across campus, including:
- Accounting, Economics and Finance
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Computer Science
- Curriculum and Instruction
- David L. Hirschfeld Department of Engineering
- Dr. Arnoldo De Leon Department of History
- Health Science Professions
- Kinesiology
- Mathematics
- Natalie Zan Ryan Department of English and Modern Languages
- Nursing
- Physical Therapy
- Physics and Geosciences
- Psychology
- Teacher Education
The Graduate Symposium will be followed by an awards ceremony recognizing ASU's 2023 Outstanding Graduate Students.
The purpose of the symposiums is to recognize students' contributions to the universal body of knowledge through their research and creative activities. It also provides student interaction with community members who are interested in research activities on campus. The symposiums are sponsored by ASU's Student Research and Creative Endeavor Initiative and College of Graduate Studies and Research.
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