SAN ANGELO – Wednesday is the first day of school in the San Angelo Independent School District and that means school buses are running, traffic is heavier on routes around schools, and school zone caution lights are flashing again. In addition, San Angelo Police will be enforcing all laws pertaining to driving in school zones so remember to put the cell phone down, drive the 20 mph speed limit in school zones and stop for all school buses when they stop and have red lights flashing.
The school zone caution lights began flashing at 7 a.m. Wednesday morning across the city. Watch video of the first few seconds at Lone Star Middle School on Sherwood Way:
Here are some helpful hints from the Texas Department of Transportation concerning school zones:
Drivers must take precautions in and around school zones, and children need to learn how to be safe getting to school, too.
Tips for drivers
- Stay alert.
- Watch for children might run between vehicles.
- Be mindful of children at bus stops.
- Put away your cellphone.
- Slow down.
- Obey school zone speed limit signs and all traffic rules.
- Drive safely around school buses.
- Drop off and pick up children in the designated areas.
Tips for students walking or biking
- Stay alert.
- Don't run between vehicles.
- Look both ways before crossing the street.
- Put away electronic devices.
- Cross at intersections and designated crosswalks.
- Obey crossing guards.
- Make eye contact with drivers before crossing.
- Never attempt to cross a multi-lane highway.
- Walk on sidewalks.
- Wear a helmet when riding a bike.
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