Cruel Bullies Hit Central High School Hard on Social Media


SAN ANGELO, TX – The principal of Central High School sent out a letter earlier this week addressing a social media bullying situation that is occurring at the school.

In the letter, Principal Waters claims that an Instagram account is being used to exploit special needs students who attend CHS.

As of now it is unknown if the account is still up but Principal Waters is urging the students responsible to "TAKE IT DOWN!"

The following letter was sent out to Parents and Students of San Angelo Central High School by Principal Bill Waters:

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,

Prior to the break, CHS administration began looking into several Instagram sites created by CH students that had pictures posted of other CHS students without their consent. These sites are negative, derogatory, cruel, and mean. These sites ask others to send pictures of students that resemble "Shooters", "Retards", "Autistics", "Fat Kids", and unfortunately, I can go on and on. These sites are negative to ethnicities, sexual orientation, students with special needs, and negatively target appearance (hair, skin, weight, and looks). All of these sites fall into the category of Cyberbullying and can result in both school and criminal consequences.

My administrative team investigated and interviewed students trying to get information about these sites. Students are hard to identify on these sites because they hide behind a screen name. We have had little luck identifying the authors of these sites. Unfortunately, Instagram was not willing to take down these damaging sites.

Students that have created these sites do not understand the depth of damage they do. In several school shootings, students had been bullied and teased both in person and on social media. Students have taken their own life because of teasing, ridicule, bullying, and Cyberbullying. A student in San Antonio, David Molak committed suicide at the age of 16 due to cyberbullying. To honor his legacy, David's family worked with friends and lawmakers to create David's Law. This law modernized anti-bullying laws by making it possible to prosecute cyber bullying offenders.

As we begin a new year and a new semester, I am asking parents and guardians to talk to your kids about the damage these sites can do. They have already hurt kids, kept kids from coming to school, and have added heartache to families of students with special needs and students suffering from depression and anxiety. Have a conversation about not supporting these sites and if they are the creator of one of these sites, TAKE IT DOWN!

I am asking CHS students to NOT support these sites. Do not send pictures and don't "like" or repost them. If you know of someone that has one of these sites, talk to them about taking it down or tell a counselor or an assistant principal, you will remain anonymous. These sites hurt classmates and families. None of us want CHS to have this negativity in our student body. We need to support each other and choose to BE KIND! If you know of someone who has been the subject of this cruelty reach out to them and let them know that they are supported and have a friend at CHS. 

I am asking anyone that has created one of these sites to take it down. You have no idea the heartache you are causing. It is not funny, its hurtful. You have no idea the shoes that someone walks in everyday. With all the struggles in our world these days, we do not need anymore negativity. Put an end to this and TAKE IT DOWN!

Let's have a positive start to the new year!

Bill Waters

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That was very well said, and I hope that if they continue, they get LE sic'ed on them.  It has to stop, somehow.

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