Midland Senior Accepted To Harvard


MIDLAND, TX --  A Midland Lee senior received the news of a lifetime after learning he was accepted to Harvard.

According to Midland ISD, Pranav Ganta has a 4.81 GPA. He is the captain of the debate team and fluent in three languages.

He works so hard at his studies,” said LHS Principal Shannon Torres, “...but still keeps his schedule, so he has time for his many other enrichment activities that benefit him, our campus, and the community.”

Ganta has also written a biology guidebook for children and spends time volunteering. 

“While the rest of us are binge-watching Netflix, he’s writing books and starting non-profits,” said Joshua Wimberley, Ganta’s debate coach. “He’s a once-in-a-generation kind of student.

According to Ganta, people like Mr. Wimberley help create a "positive atmosphere that breeds success."

“It’s very collaborative,” said Ganta. “The classes, student clubs, teachers taking time to meet with students - it all comes together to create a well-rounded education where students have the ability to pursue their interests and excel.”

In addition to Harvard, Ganta has applied to Princeton, Stanford, MIT, and Yale. He is waiting to hear back from the other schools before making a final decision. He plans on studying neuroscience and pursuing a Ph.D. or MD.

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