Nail Polish Wearing Clyde ISD Senior Guy Makes National News


CLYDE, TX -- Last week Clyde ISD senior Trevor Wilkinson made local headlines after he was sent to in-school suspension for wearing nail polish. Today he has received over 80,000 digital signatures.

According to Wilkinson, he was informed by school officials he would remain in in-school suspension until he removed the polish. The current dress code prohibits male students from wearing nail polish and makeup.
In an interview with Good Morning America, Wilkinson shared the following message.

"It's to remove discrimination, sexism, homophobia, racism in small towns that feel like they can enforce a dress code or rules that completely go against how people feel and completely go against freedom of expression and completely break the federal law."

The petition has garnered support from all across the country. Supporters shared some of the reasons why they are supporting Wilkinson's call for a change.

"I am signing this because painted fingernails do NOT disrupt the learning environment. In 32 years of teaching, the only people distracted by nails, hair, piercings, or tattoos, were adults," said Beth Hamaty. "The courts have already said that dress codes must be equitable for genders. If a boy can wear something so can a girl and vice versa. So this is illegal. This school district needs to comply with the law."

"This is sex discrimination. Nearly all dress codes discriminate in one way or another. Enough of it. Schools should stop spending time policing their student's appearances."

Wilkison will presumably remain in ISS this week, but with a new manicure.

The Clyde ISD will hold its next board meeting on Monday, December 14 and Wilkinson confirmed he will attend.

Last week Superintendent Kenny Berr stated no changes would be made to the dress code this school year.

To view the petition click on the following link.

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