SAN ANGELO, TX — San Angelo NAACP head Shirley Spears awkwardly walked back her comment she aimed at whites earlier today at the second forum over the renaming of Robert E. Lee Middle School this evening. Earlier today, she told a noontime audience that those in attendance who do not agree with her, mostly whites, should “take their sheets off.”
At the 6 p.m. meeting, Spears admitted she said that, but then claimed she didn’t mean the sheet or sheets to which she was referring were Ku Klux Klan robes. Instead, she said that she meant a sheet, like an innocent bed sheet, needed to be lifted so everyone could understand her point of view. She claimed she uttered a normal expression but then the publisher from San Angelo LIVE! used her innocent “sheet” reference to “exploit” her.
There are recordings of the meeting and San Angelo LIVE! stands by its original reporting.
After Spears made the comment at the noontime meeting, some in the room very vocally expressed their dismay. The next speaker mentioned Spears’ remark when he told the room he was not going to address her comment, much to the relief of San Angelo ISD moderators.
At the evening forum, Superintendent Carl Dethloff mentioned the fireworks that occurred at the meeting earlier today.
This evening, Spears continued her remarks and again expressed her frustration that no one understood her point about the San Angelo ISD school board makeup in 1949 when Lee Middle School was named or in 1954 when desegregation was ordered.
“Who was at the table then?” she asked.
Because people of color were not represented on the 1949 or 1954 school boards, Spears seemed to indicate that the present board should make amends for that.
“In ’49, African Americans and Hispanics did not have a voice at the table,” she said.
As of this date in 2020, Hispanics are represented but there are no Blacks on the Board of Trustees.
Earlier, Spears said the San Angelo NAACP demands that the San Angelo ISD rename Robert E. Lee Middle School and John H. Reagan Elementary School because those schools’ namesakes were Confederates.
Other evening forum attendees who were also at the noontime meeting said they understood Spears’ noontime remarks to be about the KKK. However, some Black attendees who were also at the noontime meeting agreed with Spears and said she was misquoted.
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Listed By: JOHN WILD
Someone always stirs the pot, then when it boils they wonder why, stand back and claim "I was misquoted".
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PermalinkListed By: Online
Tuan rumah mereka pada hari Selasa, sementara itu, ditahan imbang 1-1 oleh Standard Liege pada hari pembukaan musim Liga Pro Belgia , , , sebelum menjamu Oostende pada Jumat malam; menyambut penggemar kembali ke rumah Luminus Arena mereka dalam proses.
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Please someone explain to me how wasting money changing names will fix whatever wrongs are perceived here. This nonsense has to stop. There wasn't a problem with the names until 5 minutes ago. What's the issue beside making noise to get attention and skirt the real issues plaguing our city?
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PermalinkListed By: robert white
Yes she meant what she said. Another racialist in sheeps clothing. Fuel to the fire baby. It's coming.
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PermalinkListed By: Rita Repulsa
Perhaps she meant the Greco-Roman robes of the classical philosophers? I wasn't there.
If she had claimed that West Texans are clannish, "tribalistic," with strong in-group preference, she'd have a point. Obviously she doesn't know much about how those loyalties include non-white individuals or how local bloodlines intertwine throughout the spectrum of darker and lighter hues.
In her defense, it may be difficult for her to disambiguate between racial chauvinism, a general distrust for outsiders, and genuine disagreement to her stance. Nonetheless, it's difficult to defend a professional who resorts to incendiary tactics of emotionalism when confronted, ("exploited"?? Really??) rather than making a more persuasive argument that moves those in attendance to her position.
Considering that this change is being sought by people and organizations being used as chess pieces for the aims of a Marxist agenda, I can't blame anyone for throwing off their togas of rationalism and going a little ape shit in response.
"Exploited" makes this sound like that music video by Fantasia where she's in jail.
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She evidently has a lot of anger about some things that happened in 1949 and 1954. Who knows what the school would have been named then if Blacks had been on the board? That's not the point. The point is: are we supposed to cater to any specific group or person? While we're at it, what happens when someone becomes offended when their racial memory realizes they're driving on Jackson, or heading to Jacksonville, etc. Let's just take care of the students; let's not be needing a show of force or power in the middle of a planet combusting and our fellow citizens dying. Let's get our priorities straight right now. If this is still an issue in a few months, then I think there needs to be a scientific study: current students, former students, current faculty, former faculty, general SA population of all ethnic backgrounds. Questions: who cares? who is offended? what is the potential for damage of any type?
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PermalinkListed By: Rita Repulsa
"While we're at it, what happens when someone becomes offended when their racial memory realizes they're driving on Jackson, or heading to Jacksonville, etc."
"If this is still an issue in a few months, then I think there needs to be a scientific study:"
- lizbetigan
Lady... WHAT?
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PermalinkListed By: robert white
I am sick and tired of racists like her. She knew exactly what she was referring to. I am sick and tired of blacks alluding to white people as KKK. Send her and others of her kind to Portland where they will be welcomed. Why is she even welcomed at an SAISD event anyway, just to to stir the pot?
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PermalinkListed By: Johnny Rutherford
Gotta give Ms. Spears credit, her antics are pretty funny. And let's give full credit where credit is due - she is also a liar. And a poor one, at that.
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PermalinkListed By: The Fisherman
Here she goes playing the victim...again. A true expert. My hope for her is that one day she will open her eyes and realize how unfruitful life is when you spend your time and energy blaming everyone and everything else for your perceived circumstances. It would better for her to stop resisting ownership of the consequences of her own behavior. At some point in our lives we must all come to the realization that we are the reason we have problems.
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PermalinkListed By: k45cal .....
1. It seems that being a victim is the current thing. People need pity and special attention for a variety of reasons. Americans are one people, no matter ther melatonin skin content. They were a strong people that could and did accomplish miracles. That needs to come back.
2. There are no POC on the board. Have any run for that position? You don't get any on the board if they don't run for the job.
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PermalinkListed By: Bobo Greene
If this was on the other foot she and the rest of the NAACP would be demanding someone’s head and resignation. I’ve learned those that accuse others of being racist just because they may not agree with their opinion have a chip on their shoulder and are the true racists.
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PermalinkListed By: Bobo Greene
Until she resigns. The far left has learned the squeaky wheel is getting greased so we need the same thing right now. Keep pressing this issue until she’s gone and makes a real apology.
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A name change for Lee Jr High is going to pacify a few. Who’s next? I attended there. I would have attended if it had been Martin Luther King Jr High or Caesar Chavez Jr High. It’s just a name. It’s not indicative of the education received. Maybe we should change the name of our town. I’m sure there is an atheist here who is offended by angels. Maybe Fuentes restaurant should change their name. There’s probably someone here that was wronged by a Hispanic person. Maybe everything should be labeled with a number. Anyone offended by numbers?
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PermalinkListed By: Rudy Gonzales
If the sheet fits, she was exploited. Sensitivity still persists!
Go and look at the cemetery and see how there was and still is discrimination there!
The sheets still run deep in this west Texas town, and unless there is dialog and conversation, nothing will change!
This current White House occupant has exploited and enraged those who were raised in bigotry!
I dare city leaders to change every street named after Civil war generals and leaders to names honoring Mexican war heroes and African leaders!
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I agree that there was and still is racism but changing names won’t fix it. I taught my children that skin color doesn’t matter; to look at what people say;what they do; to try to put themselves in others places; not to judge until you know the facts. It’s what my parents taught me and what my kids are teaching their kids. We have to learn that being different and having a different point of view is not bad. We just have to grow up and be secure enough to let others have their opinions. You help me I’m going to thank you no matter who you are. You burn my house or hurt my family I’ll hunt you down. I think we all feel the same way. We’re really more alike than different. Just listen and don’t just wait to speak. We can’t change the past by changing school names but we can change our futures if we remember.
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PermalinkListed By: Rita Repulsa
Man, just look at the present.
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PermalinkListed By: Cmdr Darwin
Shirley “Sheets” Spears should resign from her racist position & the SAISD needs to table these name changes until next year. There is zero evidence that these school names foster any kind of racial discrimination & the SAISD has much bigger issues it needs to deal with. This really is silly! We have a full blown racist demanding the school names be changed while she infers that all whites are part of the KKK. Shut up & go away Shirley “Sheets” Spears - we no longer want to hear anything from your disgusting mouth!
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Great idea! Wait a year and see who cares then.
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PermalinkListed By: Cajun Texan
That little childhood chant would be beneficial to all the whiners of today. Being offended, or having your feelings hurt is not trauma. You will never get everyone to see things your way, so just get over it.
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SAISD should use OUR tax dollars to improve it's students' education, not give into a bunch of cry babies.
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PermalinkListed By: Linda Martinez
I'm with not changing the names of either. I just think of them as names of schools people are the ones that are racist, not names or flags. Get over it, history can't be changed just the way people think. She is the one with bad thoughts in her mind.
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PermalinkListed By: Cajun Texan
a name change, SAL should change the header for Recent Rants to Rita's Rants, seeing how much she loves to slather us all with her uber MENSA intellect. Poor gal just loves to hear herself yap......
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San Angelo needs to get up to date,the world is changing around us and this town has changed very little since I was a kid in the 50's
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