ACLU Attacks West Texas School Districts Over Student Grooming Policies


SAN ANGELO, TX – Dozens of school districts across the Concho Valley received a letter from the American Civil Liberties Union on Wednesday claiming that district student dress codes are discriminatory and must be changed.

According to the liberal leaning ACLU, on Sept. 2, the ACLU of Texas sent letters to hundreds of school districts throughout Texas requiring them to reexamine dress and grooming code policies that are unconstitutional and discriminatory.

In Region 15 the letter was sent out to Ballinger ISD, Bangs ISD, Blanket ISD, Brady ISD, Bronte ISD, Christoval ISD, Comstock ISD, Crocket County Consolidated CSD, Early ISD, Eden CISD, Junction ISD, Lohn ISD, Mason ISD, May ISD, Menard ISD, Nueces Canyon CISD, Panther Creek CISD, Richland Springs ISD, Rochelle ISD, Rocksprings ISD, San Saba ISD, Santa Anna ISD, Schleicher ISD, Sonora ISD, Sterling City ISD, Veribest ISD, Water Valley ISD, Winters ISD, and Zephyr ISD. 

The main complaints involved were that kids were being discriminated on by race and sex. 

“While school districts throughout the county have removed policies that were based on antiquated sex stereotypes, many school districts in Texas still have policies that treat students differently on the basis of their gender, such as requiring different hair and dress standards for male and female students,” said Brian Klosterboer, attorney for the ACLU of Texas.

In Water Valley the student handbook states "Hair must be clean, well-groomed and not covering the eyes. The following extremes shall not be allowed: geometric or unusual patterns shaved or cut into the hair; unnatural color variation in hair; ponytail, rattail and braids for boys; and boys’ hair must not exceed the top of a regular collar."

Another Tom Green County School, the Veribest Student Handbook states "Students should avoid extremes in hairstyles that attract so much attention they interfere with the classroom learning environment. Boys' hair should not be worn longer than the top of the collar and may not go below the bottom of the ear on the sides." 

The letter is calling for the "outdated and harmful" policies to be changed to "ensure that all students are treated fairly and equally, and that they do not face discrimination." 

To read the full letter click here.

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