Abilene Man Wants Confederate Names on Elementary Schools Changed


ABILENE, TX — A petition to rename four Abilene ISD schools has slowly been gathering support as the issue continues to cause controversy across the nation. Back in 2017 school officials stated they weren’t “ready to wipe away the names of individuals who played important roles in history.”

According to KTXS, the petition was created by Zach Snyder and calls for the renaming of four elementary schools that are named after Civil War Confederate leaders.

The four elementary schools in question are: 

  • Robert E. Lee Elementary
  • Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson Elementary
  • Albert Sidney Johnston Elementary
  • John H. Reagan Elementary

According to Snyder, this is an opportunity for the district to “right a wrong” in the community.

“While it was never appropriate for schools to be named after men who are best known for betraying the United States of America, our community and the current leaders of Abilene Independent School District have an opportunity to right this wrong immediately.”

“It is not a coincidence that these campuses were built and named in the era immediately before the integration of Abilene’s public schools. A less-than-subtle message was being sent by honoring those specific men at that specific moment in our history: These schools aren’t meant for you. This message is still being communicated today, implicitly promoting a commitment to white supremacy over black equality.”

Snyder is asking for 200 signatures in his petition and he has reached 169 at the moment. He is also calling for community support and asking parents to contact the AISD Board and District Administration directly.

“Parents, students, faculty, staff, alumni, and concerned citizens: We can and must demand better.”

“With this petition, the undersigned call on Dr. David Young, the rest of the AISD Administration, and the AISD Board of Trustees to quickly move to change the names of these four schools. We also ask that the new names honor those who have promoted the values to which our community now aspires.”

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Listed By: Magical Gurl

Lets do it!

Like I could totally get behind a school named after Harriet Tubman. An actual hero and not a traitor.

Listed By: Warren Lambert

wDougL, Thu, 06/11/2020 - 13:39

... why not name a school " Magical Gurl" ... even though the word "Gurl" is incorrect... but I get it... it's just a user name, and besides ... from what I have heard ... through the "Grapevine" ... the educational system in our country really doesn't care if it's spelled correctly, as long as it sounds the same! Yeah ... "Go for it "Gurl" I'm sure there would be a lot that would agree ... and why not ... someone will eventually come up with a petition to remove the name of our Country... because United states of America... will be ... "Offensive" to them! (sarcasm that makes sense)

Listed By: Magical Gurl

I think you might be reading too far into this, its just changing the name of our school not the name of our country.

Listed By: Warren Lambert

wDougL, Fri, 06/12/2020 - 13:55

... you really, really should try to find something else to occupy your mind and time... besides writing rants and comments on the rant section of SA Live! I'm only replying and responding to all the comments you posted ... and my comment about changing the name of our country... that was "Sarcasm " ... meaning... certain people get offended over things that they don't agree with in the way "they" think ... so someone will eventually say the the name of our Country is Offensive to them ... so they will start up a petition to change it ... LOL ... do you see the "Sarcasm" ... Magical Gurl ?

Listed By: Magical Gurl

Changing the name of America? Nah, cause I can't find any person named America that betrayed America in order to defend the states rights to own slaves. Plus I think people are more concerned to change America in and of itself than its actual name.

Listed By: Warren Lambert

wDougL, Fri, 06/12/2020 - 13:32

... "Sarcasm " ... and again... I am going to make a suggestion... you really do need to find something to occupy your mind and time ... besides the Rant section of SA Live!

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