Schools Nationwide Celebrate Read Across America Day


SAN ANGELO, TX – Thousands of children all across the country celebrated Dr. Seuss's 116th birthday, also known as the National Read Across America Day on Monday. Every year on March 2nd elementary schools nationwide have the opportunity to eat one of the most iconic dishes in literature, green eggs and ham. National Read Across America Day works to encourage young children to discover a love for reading.

Reading not only helps students excel academically, but it also allows families to share special moments. Families can work together to “create a sense of enjoyment, wonder, and a passion for reading.”

The organization Read Across America provides the following tips for parents:

  1. Read together every day: You can read the morning news at breakfast, share a story after supper, or cuddle up for a book at bedtime. A daily reading routine is something everyone can look forward to.
  2. Visit the library: Take advantage of all the books, materials, story times, programs, and resources your local library has to offer.
  3. Start reading traditions: Beyond bedtime stories, consider a special birthday book, holiday favorites, or a regular family read-aloud night.
  4. Make everyone comfortable: Find a spot to read together where you are both comfortable. Sometimes kids have to move around to be comfortable.
  5. Make media matter: Connect kids with appropriate technology—videos, apps, or games that help them learn new words and interesting things about the world.
  6. Have fun: Your idea of fun may differ from your child’s, so appreciate your child’s special joy for learning new things. Try different approaches, such as having them read to you or acting out a favorite story. Even something as simple as a story time outside can make reading together livelier and more memorable for you and your child.

Visit for a complete list of tips on how families can nurture a love of reading together.

The City of San Angelo has three library locations spread out across the city that offer a wide variety of books for children of all ages and reading tastes for the community.

Stephens Central

33 West Beauregard | Ph: 325-655-7321 | Open: Monday - Saturday

West Branch

3013 Vista Del Arroyo | Ph: 25-659-6436 | Open: Tuesday - Saturday

North Branch

3001 N. Chadbourne | Ph: 325-653-8412 | Open: Tuesday - Saturday

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