SAN ANGELO, TX – Angelo State University economics professor Dr. Jamal Husein was named the holder for the Norris Family Chair in Business in the ASU College of Business, sai a recent press release. The fund became the first ever endowed chair at ASU and represents the most prestigious academic appointment that can be achieved by a faculty member.
The Norris family donated $1 million dollars in 2007, which benefits the Business Department and allows for the programs to expand and promote the business education program.
Husein joined the ASU community in 2002 and teaches a variety of courses, including macro- and micro-economics, comparative economic systems, international economics, managerial economics, and money and banking.
Over the years, he has conducted a vast amount of research, centering mostly on writing scholarly articles regarding the economic issues and implications of import/export activities, tourism and foreign aid in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regions. His native country, Jordan, has also been a focus of his research.
Husein's work has allowed him to be the recipient of several SU Faculty Innovation and Faculty Research Enhancement Program grants. He has also received many awards and recognition while at Angelo State.
“The College of Business is very pleased to have Dr. Jamal Husein serve as the new holder of the Norris Family Chair in Business,” said Dr. Clifton Jones, dean of the College of Business."
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