Angelo State to Host Veteran’s Day Events


In honor of Veteran’s Day, Angelo State University will be hosting three events to enlighten students and visitors about the history of the Nov. 11 holiday. The events will honor the men and women in uniform who served or continue to serve their country, said Phillip Nichelson, veteran’s specialist at ASU.

“Many people think Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day are synonymous, and they’re really not,” said Nichelson. “Veteran’s Day is about recognizing those [veterans] who gave some on the battlefield and Memorial Day is about recognizing those who gave all.”

Nichelson said to accomplish this goal, the first event, which begins at 11 a.m. in the central spine of the Houston Harte University Center at ASU, will provide a brief history about Veteran’s Day.

“We’re also going to have a brief remembrance for those people who are missing in action, so they’re not forgotten,” Nichelson added. “We’re not remembering the lost, but remembering the vets who are unaccounted for. Veteran’s Day is also about the living veterans.”

Additionally, Nichelson said an airman from Goodfellow Air Force Base will sing the national anthem, and there will be presentations by several ASU veteran students and staff members. Attendees will receive free patriotic buttons, stickers and light refreshments.

Attendees can also visit the local Dog Jazz therapy organization from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. where “trainers will be available to answer questions and give demonstrations on the handling of therapy dogs and proper interactions with the dogs and their owners,” said the ASU website.

After the first presentation, Nichelson stated attendees will be invited to an “All American” lunch at the Vets Center, which is also located in the University Center. Frito pies, hot dogs and apple pies will be served, and attendees will enjoy a presentation of the inaugural “ASU Military Veteran Student” T-shirts.

At 3 p.m. Nichelson said there is a retreat that will be hosted by the ASU ROTC Program. The ROTC group will head over to the flag pole in front of the campus off of Avenue N for another honor to veterans.

At 4 p.m., Air Force Cadets will host an Oak Grove vigil on the north side of the Administration Building for veterans from Angelo College who fought and died in World War II. The oak trees were planted in their honor, and attendees will learn about the grove.

“We’ve got a little bit of history,” Nichelson noted.

Overall, Nichelson said he hopes to see many veterans and students at these events, and of course they are open to the public.

In regards to the outcome of today’s events, Nichelson stated, “I’d like to see some lights go on in people’s eyes.”

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