Concho Valley Homeless Planning Coalition Hosts Homeless Awareness Day in San Angelo


The Concho Valley Homeless Planning Coalition is hosting its inaugural Homeless Awareness Day in San Angelo today from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at The Ministerial Alliance, 100 Martin Luther King Dr. The Ministerial Alliance is co-sponsoring the event.

The event is open to the public and CVHPC hopes the citizens of San Angelo will attend because the agency plans on dispelling the myths of homelessness in the community.

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During the event, the homeless will have access to blood pressure and blood-sugar testing, and there will be lunch boxes available. Many vendors and information tables will also be set up to answer any questions people have and to help them “navigate their way through the social services system in San Angelo.”

Members of the public also have access to these vendors and resources to find out more about the support and services available to the homeless in San Angelo. Members of CVHPC believe this is a great time for citizens to discover the many volunteer opportunities available throughout the city. There will also be several workshops available for people to learn more about the homeless situation in San Angelo and what has happened over the last few years.

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