The College of Health and Human Services at Angelo State Gets a Gift and Name Change


Angelo State University announced Thursday that the Academic, Clinical and Student Affairs Committee of the Texas Tech University System Board of Regents approved a name change of ASU’s College of Health and Human Services to the “Archer College of Health and Human Services, and that name will become official Oct. 9, 2015 upon approval by the board, said a press release.

The naming comes with acceptance of a $5 million gift from the James B. and Lois R. Archer Charitable Foundation. The Archers donated the gift through their foundation to help expand the facilities that support the health and human services curriculum.

“Lois and I are so happy to be able to give back to the community, and we are hopeful that the gift will contribute to the continued growth and development of ASU,” said James Archer.

According to the press release, the Texas Legislature and Governor Greg Abbott approved House Bill 100, which allowed for funding of a new building for the College of Health and Human Services, and the Archer Foundation gift extends funding so further programs can be added.

President Brian J. May said, “The Archers’ philanthropy is a terrific statement about their ability to envision the future for our students in health and human services.”

Dr. Leslie Mayrand, dean of the renamed Archer College of Health and Human Services, said, “We are so grateful to the Archers for their most generous contribution. Their gift will have a direct impact on future generations of students who will devote their lives to promoting optimal health for the clients they will serve. We will be able to increase enrollment in our current programs such as nursing, but we will also have the opportunity to propose new ‘high demand’ programs such as occupational therapy.”

The goal of the James B. and Lois R. Archer Charitable Foundation is to improve the welfare of children and of the elderly, stated the press release. The Foundation has donated millions of dollars in grants to local charities and national organizations. Additionally, the Foundation works closely with MD Anderson Children’s Hospital to support research projects related to pediatric cancer and the Neuro Degeneration Center where a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease is being developed.

The Archers have lived throughout Texas all their lives, and in 1993, the couple started a new company, Multi-Chem, in the garage of their home in Midland, Texas. The couple moved the headquarters in 2004 to San Angelo where they hired the people who could support the company’s expansion; and by 2011, Multi-Chem became the fourth largest oilfield production chemicals company in the world. In October of the same year, they sold the business to Halliburton.

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