Howard College at San Angelo Foundation Appoints New Board Members


Mary Jane Steadman President of the Howard College at San Angelo Foundation (HCSA Foundation) is pleased to announce the appointment of five new board members to the Foundation board.  These new members will serve a three year term.

Above: Howard College San Angelo Foundation Board New Members – LtoR Jamie Rainey, Executive Dean Howard College San Angelo, Jeff DeLoach, Publisher San Angelo Standard Times, Ernie Nabors, Vice President of Operations for TimeClock Plus, Stanley Mayfield, Owner Mayfield Paper Co., Dr. Carol Ann Bonds, recently retired San Angelo ISD Superintendent, Mary Jane Steadman, HCSA Foundation Board President.

New members include Dr. Carol Ann Bonds, recently retired San Angelo ISD Superintendent, Jeff DeLoach, Publisher San Angelo Standard Times, Ernie Nabors, Vice President of Operations for TimeClock Plus, Stanley Mayfield, Owner Mayfield Paper Company, and Austin Mathis, Associate Attorney for Webb, Stokes and Sparks LLP.

These new members will be joining current board members Mary Jane Steadman (President), Mike Boyd (Vice President), and members Dr. Dinah Cummings, Marie Ethridge, Dr. John Freeman, John Fuentes, Billy Hollis, Martin Lee, Murray Murphy, Phil Neighbors, Jamie Rainey, and Dr. Cheryl Sparks. Ex-Officio members include Ralph Hoelscher and Marty Self.

“We thank our outgoing board members for their leadership and commitment to growing educational opportunities for the Concho Valley,” commented Ms. Steadman. Outgoing board members include Arch Black, Lanny Layman, Bernay Sheffield, Pedro Ramirez and former board member Deanna Mayfield.

Ms. Steadman also stressed the importance of Howard College in our community. Since 1990, when the HCSA Foundation was organized, they have promoted educational interests at Howard College San Angelo by providing direction and financial support for programs, scholarships, grants, and other related educational activities.

The HCSA Foundation has grown from five founding directors to seventeen voting directors and two ex-officio directors as of 2015.  The original founding directors consisted of Arch Black, Andrew Hicks, Frank Junell, Martin Lee and Bob. E. Riley.  With the guidance and help of the HCSA Foundation directors, the San Angelo campus of Howard College has grown from a campus with limited service to a campus that offers full service to approximately 2,400 open enrollment and dual credit high school students each fall and spring plus 5,000 continuing education students each year.

The Howard College at San Angelo Foundation awards at least one $2,500 Frank Junell Health Professions scholarship each academic year and other general Foundation scholarships.  In addition to awarding scholarships annually, the HCSA Foundation has been instrumental in providing financial support for building renovations and equipment throughout the years.  Most recently they contributed $100,000 toward the technology equipment for the new HCSA Academic and Student Services buildings completed Fall 2014.

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