The City of San Angelo Is Accepting Applications for Its Citizens Academy


The City of San Angelo University is accepting applications through September 28 for its citizens academy, an eight-month program that runs from October through May, and seeks to inform citizens and illustrate how and why city government works as it does, said Anthony Wilson, public information officer for COSA.

The class, which will meet at 5:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month for up to two hours at various City facilities, will explore topics of water, streets, garbage collection, community and economic development, public safety, parks and recreation and opportunities to serve, Wilson stated.

For those individuals interested, there is no cost to participate; however, participants must be 18 years old, live inside the city limits and fill out the short application located on the City’s website, Wilson said a panel of City officials will choose the program’s participants.

Previously, 25 citizens graduated from COSA University’s first class in May. These citizens suggested each session be extended from 90 minutes to two hours, which would allow time for more information, discussion and questions-and-answers following presentations.

Wilson said, “We were mighty impressed by the level of interest and engagement in our first class. COSA U accomplished what we were hoping it would. It engaged citizens in their municipal government and enabled them to explain to their families, friends, neighbors and co-workers how and why City government operates as it does. It also exposed them to the opportunity to volunteer their service on our 19 boards and commissions.”

Wilson added that the City will be looking for similar results in the coming year.

For more information, contact the Public Information Office at [email protected] or (325)481-2727.

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